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Zoho SalesIQ の代わりとなる 77 個の無料および有料のリストをまとめました。 主な競合相手はUserliketawk.toです。 これらに加えて、ユーザーは Zoho SalesIQ と LiveAgentZendesk ChatLime Talk の間の比較も行います。 また、他の同様のオプションもここで確認できます: About

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Userlikeは、企業がウェブサイトの訪問者や顧客とリアルタイムでチャットすることを可能にするカスタマーメッセージングプラットフォームです。ライブチャット、チャットボット、WhatsApp、Facebook Messenger、Threema、SMS、Telegramなど、様々なチャネルを通じてシームレスなコミュニケーション体験を提供します。

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Zendesk Chat(以前のZopim)は、ライブチャットソフトウェアで顧客を引き付ける最も速い方法です。

Lime Talkは、チャットウィジェットをサイトに簡単に埋め込むことができるオンラインアプリケーションです。




Free Trial Subscription


起業家のための顧客との対話。 ウェブサイトの訪問者とチャットします。

Hassle-free live chat software re-imagined for business growth.

Zoho SalesIQ プラットフォーム

tick-square iPhone
tick-square Android
tick-square Web-Based

Zoho SalesIQ ビデオとスクリーンショット

Zoho SalesIQ 概要

What is SalesIQ and how does it increase your sales conversions?

SalesIQ is a live chat software with visitor tracking to convert your store visitors into customers. A platform trusted by 70000+ users. See and have live conversations with your website visitors. Increase sales conversions by accessing an insightful list of visitors, prioritized on their lead score. Engage effectively and close more deals faster.

How SalesIQ can help you to close more deals faster?

Real-time visitor tracking:

Analyze your store visitors in real-time. Understand how they are navigating your store. Gain insights into their geo-location and referrer source to engage in contextual conversations.

Visitor insights and lead scoring:

Gain access to a highly insightful list of 'All' your store visitors. Prioritize them as hot, warm and cold based on their score. Drive sharper and more relevant engagement.

Sell smarter. Close deals faster:

Supercharge your sales conversions by automating your store -visitor engagement with intelligent triggers. Recognize & engage prospects landing on your website through email campaigns.

Automatic chat translation:

Engage with a wider audience and cover markets spreads across the globe. Receive messages in any language, but reply to prospects in their native language.

Easy to setup and customize:

Setup is as simple as copy & paste. Customization is just a few more clicks. Whatever be the look & feel of your online store, SalesIQ just blends right in.

Take SalesIQ with you:

Live chat with your store visitors from the comfort of your couch or while waiting at the airport. SalesIQ plays with with your iPhone, iPad or Android device via standard Jabber client).

Zoho SalesIQ 機能

tick-square Real-time website tracking
tick-square Live Chat
tick-square Automated Email Reports
tick-square Lead Scoring/Grading
tick-square Real-time analytics
tick-square Chat Bot
tick-square Screen Sharing

トップZoho SalesIQの代替案


Zoho SalesIQ タグ

add-live-chat-to-website live-chat-service live-chat-app live-chat-support-software live-chat-support live-chat-for-website customer-chat




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