
ホームページ arrow-right Smart Alarm Pro 2

Smart Alarm Pro 2 の代わりとなる 16 個の無料および有料のリストをまとめました。 主な競合相手はSleep Cycle Alarm ClockSleep as Androidです。 これらに加えて、ユーザーは Smart Alarm Pro 2 と SleeptyShake-it AlarmSleepBot の間の比較も行います。 また、他の同様のオプションもここで確認できます: About


Sleeptyは、スリープサイクルに基づく目覚まし時計です。 軽い睡眠サイクルで目覚めるのに役立ちます。





EasyWakeupは、iPhone / iPod Touch用の高度な目覚まし時計です。

朝疲れた? たぶん、あなたは間違った睡眠段階で目が覚めたかもしれません。

Take advantage of better sleep , get the best an alarm clock can offer and get your sleep cycle...

Smart Alarm Pro 2 プラットフォーム

tick-square iPad
tick-square iPhone

Smart Alarm Pro 2 ビデオとスクリーンショット

Smart Alarm Pro 2 概要

Smart Alarm Pro is the best alarm clock that monitors sleep cycles,records disturbances during night,wakes you up at set time and offers you a clear graph that includes statistics about your sleeping phases. It takes care of your needs and preferences ,helps you get more rest and a good night sleep.


• Includes a variety of alarm modes specifically created for each and everyone's benefit

-Full mode-monitors sleep cycles and records disturbances during night,wakes you up at the right time;
-Sleep quality control-monitors sleep cycles and records disturbances during night, doesn't wake you up in the morning;
-Sleep cycle mode-monitors sleep cycles,wakes you up at the right time to avoid under or over sleeping;
-Set time sleep cycle and noise recording mode-monitors sleep cycles,records disturbances during night,wakes you up at the time you set forehead;
-Custom mode-lets you adjust smart alarm clock to desired wake up time .

• Smart wake up

- Wakes you up at the right time for you to avoid over or under sleeping;
- Adjustable snooze time;
- Adjustable wake-up time frame, weather settings.

• Creates a detailed graph with statistics about your sleep

- Your sleep stats visualized in colorful graphs;
- Sleep quality calculation;
- Get all your night stats in one tap, see the info about your sleep phases;
- Share your stats on Facebook.

• Wide variety of wake up tunes- nice collection with soothing, calming songs of different genres and types ;

• Includes help section with instructions on how to better use the app and settings with different options.

Download Smart Alarm now and take advantage of the best app designed for you to have a better sleep and rest !

トップSmart Alarm Pro 2の代替案


Smart Alarm Pro 2 タグ

alarm-clock sleep-cycle sleep-better




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