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PronounceItRight, establishes order in the huge phonetic mess of global communications.

PronounceItRight プラットフォーム

tick-square iPad
tick-square iPhone
tick-square Android
tick-square Web-Based

PronounceItRight ビデオとスクリーンショット

PronounceItRight 概要

PronounceItRight, establishes order in the huge phonetic mess of global communications. Common people as well as media professionals often take a guess in pronouncing foreign names or overseas words used in everyday life.

100 free correct pronunciations of writers, poets, philosophers and musicians names from all over the world.

No matter if you are a student, a university professor, a journalist or radio speaker...
Just one click and you can avoid making a fool of yourself mispronouncing a famous foreign name.

Just a simple click and, without going online, you can listen to the right pronunciations of those difficult unfamiliar names of all major authors and poets (ranging from Maria Deraismes to George-Charles Huysmans), influential philosophers (such as Otto Neurath or György Lukács), and great musicians (like Emanuel Schikaneder and Béla Bartók).

* Correct pronunciation and short bios of every single personality
* Ability to search by name, language and category (music, literature / poetry, philosophy)
* Shuffle key to obtain names at random
* Application with Multilanguage interface (Italian, English, French, German, Spanish)
* You listen to the pronunciations directly from the app, without going online
* Universal application

PronounceItRight 機能

tick-square Multiple languages



PronounceItRight タグ

pronunciation learn-a-language




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