
ホームページ arrow-right ... arrow-right プロジェクトおよびプログラム管理ソフトウェア arrow-right プロジェクト管理ソフトウェア arrow-right Nifty

Nifty の代わりとなる 99 個の無料および有料のリストをまとめました。 主な競合相手はmonday.comWrikeです。 これらに加えて、ユーザーは Nifty と TrelloSlackAsana の間の比較も行います。 また、他の同様のオプションもここで確認できます: プロジェクトおよびプログラム管理ソフトウェアプロジェクト管理ソフトウェア

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Free Free Trial Subscription


Free Free Trial Subscription


Free Free Trial Subscription


Free Free Trial Subscription


Free Free Trial Subscription

Taskade は、シームレスなタスク管理、リアルタイムのコラボレーション、直感的なワークフローの作成により、チームの生産性に革命をもたらします。デバイス間で簡単に同期できるため、生産性が中断されることなく、チームはいつでもどこでも目標を達成できます。

Free Free Trial Subscription

グローバルチームが好む主要なコラボレーションプラットフォーム。ローカルチームからリモートチームまで、Basecamp はコラボレーション、ドキュメント共有、プロジェクトのスケジューリングを合理化し、ミーティングやメールを送信しません。私たちの絶賛レビューを探索し、今日無料で試してみてください!

5.0 out of 5
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Microsoft Project
Free Trial Subscription

Microsoft Projectは、ユーザーがプロジェクトを計画、実行、管理し、リソース、スケジュール、予算を設定し、パフォーマンス分析とレポーティングを実行することを可能にする強力なプロジェクト管理ツールです。

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Nifty プラットフォーム

tick-square Mac
tick-square iPad
tick-square iPhone
tick-square Windows
tick-square Web-Based
tick-square Android

Nifty ビデオとスクリーンショット

Nifty 機能

tick-square Workflow Management
tick-square To-Do List
tick-square Third Party Integrations
tick-square Resource Management
tick-square Resource Allocation & Planning
tick-square Requirements Management
tick-square Recurring Tasks
tick-square Real Time Editing
tick-square Project Scheduling
tick-square No-Code
tick-square Kanban Board
tick-square Full Text Search
tick-square File Transfer
tick-square File Sharing
tick-square File Management
tick-square Drag & Drop
tick-square Data Import/Export
tick-square Dashboard
tick-square Brainstorming
tick-square Audio Calls
tick-square @mentions
tick-square Retrospectives Management
tick-square Request Management
tick-square Product Lifecycle Management
tick-square Color Codes/Icons
tick-square Bar Chart
tick-square Time Zone Tracking
tick-square Process Change Tracking
tick-square Business Process Control
tick-square Video Chat
tick-square Team Management
tick-square Employee Activity Monitoring
tick-square Issue Tracking
tick-square Backlog Management
tick-square Product Roadmapping
tick-square Percent-Complete Tracking
tick-square Testing/QA Management
tick-square Supports Scrum
tick-square Risk Management
tick-square Progress Reports
tick-square Email-to-Task Conversion
tick-square Cost-to-Completion Tracking
tick-square Negative Feedback Management
tick-square Visualization
tick-square Traditional Methodologies
tick-square Task Tagging
tick-square Task Editing/Updating
tick-square Task Board View
tick-square Spreadsheet View
tick-square Reporting/Project Tracking
tick-square Project Planning/Scheduling
tick-square Project Planning
tick-square Portfolio Management
tick-square Parent Task
tick-square Milestone Tracking
tick-square Issue Management
tick-square Import Tasks
tick-square Idea Management
tick-square Create Subtasks
tick-square Agile Methodologies
tick-square Activity/News Feed
tick-square Configurable Workflow
tick-square Discussions/Forums
tick-square Content Management
tick-square Real-Time Chat
tick-square Communication Management
tick-square Forms Automation
tick-square Process Modeling & Designing
tick-square Templates
tick-square Budget Management
tick-square Surveys & Feedback
tick-square Meeting Management
tick-square Customizable Templates
tick-square Timesheet Management
tick-square Project Tracking
tick-square Real Time Data
tick-square Data Visualization
tick-square Change Management
tick-square Workflow Configuration
tick-square Task Planning
tick-square Tagging
tick-square Rules-Based Workflow
tick-square Real Time Updates
tick-square Real Time Notifications
tick-square Projections
tick-square Prioritization
tick-square Forms Management
tick-square Customizable Forms
tick-square Customizable Dashboard
tick-square Commenting/Notes
tick-square Assignment Management
tick-square Task Progress Tracking
tick-square Role-Based Permissions
tick-square Project Workflow
tick-square Project Time Tracking
tick-square Project Templates
tick-square Planning Tools
tick-square Multiple Projects
tick-square Graphical Workflow Editor
tick-square Gantt/Timeline View
tick-square Deadline Management
tick-square Customizable Fields
tick-square Compliance Tracking
tick-square Collaboration Tools
tick-square Charting
tick-square Business Process Automation
tick-square Time Tracking
tick-square Status Tracking
tick-square Search/Filter
tick-square Progress Tracking
tick-square Monitoring
tick-square Email Management
tick-square Due Date Tracking
tick-square Document Management
tick-square Customizable Reports
tick-square Audit Management
tick-square Approval Process Control
tick-square Activity Dashboard
tick-square Time & Expense Tracking
tick-square Template Management
tick-square Reporting & Statistics
tick-square Remote Access/Control
tick-square Real Time Reporting
tick-square Project Management
tick-square Mobile Access
tick-square Document Storage
tick-square Contact Management
tick-square Calendar Management
tick-square Budgeting/Forecasting
tick-square Alerts/Notifications
tick-square Activity Tracking
tick-square Access Controls/Permissions
tick-square Reporting/Analytics
tick-square Video Conferencing
tick-square Live Chat
tick-square Client Portal
tick-square Audit Trail
tick-square Task Scheduling
tick-square Document Capture
tick-square Remote Support
tick-square Task Management
tick-square API
tick-square Screen Sharing





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