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81개의 무료 및 유료 대안을 Bizpopuli에 대한 목록으로 정리했습니다. 주요 경쟁 업체는 Ramen, Responster입니다. 이 외에도 사용자들은 Bizpopuli와 JitBit Helpdesk, Enchant, Zent.io 간에 비교를 하기도 합니다. 또한 여기서 다른 유사한 옵션을 살펴볼 수 있습니다: 비즈니스 및 상업 도구.

고객을 휘두르고 경쟁 업체를 눈에 띄게하는 피드백 도구입니다.

성장하는 팀을위한 간단한 고객 지원. 스테로이드의 gmail과 같습니다!

Zent.io는 채팅, 전화 및 이메일을 통합하는 Contact Center Cloud Software Multichannel입니다.

All Our Ideas
Free Open Source

All Our Ideas is a research project that seeks to develop a new form of social data collection by...

Free Open Source

오픈 소스 고객 피드백 소프트웨어

Reamaze는 비즈니스 지원, 참여 및 지원을 위해 설계된 헬프 데스크 및 라이브 채팅 플랫폼입니다.

기업, 정부, 교육, NGO를위한 아이디어 / 혁신 관리 소프트웨어.

Trakdesk는 완벽하게 사용자 정의 할 수있는 고객 지원 소프트웨어 및 헬프 데스크 솔루션으로 다음을 제공합니다.

Your online customer feedback software. Fast, easy and without worries or small print.

Bizpopuli 플랫폼

tick-square Web-Based

Bizpopuli 비디오와 스크린샷

Bizpopuli 개요

Your online customer feedback software.
Fast, easy and without worries or small print.

Bizpopuli wants to be the voice of the people in your business. And help business to understand and facilitate customer and users needs.

The feature module enables direct comunication between business actors with users or customers at a little fraction of his development cost.

This allow the users to vote existing features, comment, ask for new features, ask for problem resolution or new points of view for known problems.

From the bussinness point of view allow to efectively comunicate current product status, development and roadmap.

Every change at one feature proposal will be noticed to all involved persons, like feature writer, users with comments, users with votes here. This allows a fast and intuitive feedback to all involved parts. Encouraging participation in the process of all parties and improving ROI by taking steps agreed with the user base. It also has a key advantage over competition, being able to solve the needs of customers quickly and effectively.

All the feature proposals have an associated status which indicates where in the whole procces is this feature.
By default a new proposal have "Submitted" status, but the administrator can modify this.

Supported status:
Under review
This status can be filtered for a more effective search. And completed status is disabled by default to facilitate user experience.

Take a look at our wishlist.

New modules are comming.
Also new proposals are higly welcome.

How to integrate Bizpopuli to your web site.
After contacting with Bizpopuli a new bizpopuli subdomain will be activated with the desired name.
eg demo.bizpopuli.com

Bizpopuli 특징

tick-square Customer Feedback
tick-square Anonymous voting

최고의 Bizpopuli 대안

소프트웨어에 대한 의견을 공유하고 리뷰를 남겨 더 나아지도록 도와주세요!

Bizpopuli 카테고리

비즈니스 및 상업 도구

Bizpopuli 태그

feedback-software user-retention democratic user-experience client-management feedback-tool voting-system vote-via-internet

변경 제안

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