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Wasabi A/B Testing Service is a real-time, enterprise-grade, 100% API driven project.

Wasabi 플랫폼

tick-square Linux

Wasabi 비디오와 스크린샷

Wasabi 개요

Wasabi A/B Testing Service is a real-time, enterprise-grade, 100% API driven project. Users are empowered to own their own data, and run experiments across web, mobile, and desktop. It's fast, easy to use, it's chock full of features, and instrumentation is minimal.

Learn more about how Wasabi can empower your team to move from hunches to actionable, data-driven user insights with our simple, flexible, and scalable experimentation platform.

* Own your own data - Wasabi runs on your servers, in the cloud or on-premise, where you have complete control over your data.
* Proven - Wasabi is battle-tested in production at Intuit, Inc., a financial technology company. Wasabi is the experimentation platform for TurboTax, QuickBooks, Mint.com, and other Intuit offerings.
* High Performance - Consistent server-side response times for user assignments within 30ms.
* 100% API-Driven - The Wasabi REST API is compatible with any language and environment.
* Platform Agnostic - Uniform, consistent testing across Web, mobile, desktop. Also supports front-end, back-end integrations.
* Real-time user assignments - Assign users into experiments in real time, to preserve traffic for other parallel A/B tests.
* Cloud and on-premise - Designed to live in the cloud or in your own data center.
* Analytics - Core experiment analytics and metrics visualization out of the box, as well as the ability to send data to your existing analytics infrastructure.
* Pluggable - Well-defined interfaces for plugging in your own access control, sending data to data pipelines, and providing fully custom bucket allocations.
* Experiment Management UI - Setup and manage experiments via a modern Web interface. Management via REST API is also possible.
* Dockerized - Spin up a Wasabi Docker instance in 5 minutes and be in production with the platform, instrumentation, and experiments within a day.

Wasabi 특징

tick-square Real-time analytics
tick-square Dockerized

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