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6개의 무료 및 유료 대안을 Save Emails and Attachments에 대한 목록으로 정리했습니다. 주요 경쟁 업체는 Zapier, Mail Attachment Downloader입니다. 이 외에도 사용자들은 Save Emails and Attachments와 G-Lock Email Processor, YellowAnt, Unito 간에 비교를 하기도 합니다. 또한 여기서 다른 유사한 옵션을 살펴볼 수 있습니다: About.

Zapier를 사용하면 다른 온라인 서비스 (Salesforce와 같은 서비스) 간의 작업을 자동화 할 수 있습니다.

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Unito는 Asana, Wrike, Trello, GitHub 및 JIRA와 같은 앱 간의 협업 기능을 연결합니다.

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Download email messages and file attachments from Gmail mailbox to Google Drive automatically.

Save Emails and Attachments 플랫폼

tick-square Web-Based

Save Emails and Attachments 비디오와 스크린샷

Save Emails and Attachments 개요

Save Emails is a Gmail Archiving add-on to help you download email messages and file attachments from Gmail to Google Drive. The email threads are converted into high-quality print-ready PDF files while the file attachments are saved in their original format in Google Drive.

You can use the Gmail archiver to backup important emails, video files, large images, Microsoft Office documents, travel receipts and other emails easily from Gmail to your Google Drive. Attorneys have used Save Emails to download and print all email correspondence related to a litigation with few clicks. Teachers can download student assignments in respective folders automatically.

The program runs in the background, once every hour, but you also have an option to run the rules manually. Go to Add-ons > Saves Emails and Attachments > Manage Rules and select any rule from the dropdown to process it immediately.

You can save the email messages and the included file attachments to your Drive. You can organize the saved emails in date-based sub folders to avoid cluttering the main folder.

It is now possible to customize the file names of saved emails and attachments with variables. For instance, you can put attachment name {{Sender}} {{Subject}} {{AttachmentName}} to include the sender's name and the email subject in the attachment file name.

You can also choose to overwrite files in Google Drive if an attachment with a similar name already exists in the same folder. Google Drive allows you to have multiple files with a similar name in the same folder.

The add-on is free and fully functional. If you however upgrade to the premium version of Save Emails, you get extra features including:

1. Create unlimited number of rules for downloading Gmail messages to Google Drive.
2. Emails are saved at a faster rate (every 15 minutes while the free edition downloads emails once every hour)
3. You get free email support for 90 days.

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google-sheets google-drive email-attachment

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