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61개의 무료 및 유료 대안을 PACTA에 대한 목록으로 정리했습니다. 주요 경쟁 업체는 FaceUp Whistleblowing System, Lucidchart입니다. 이 외에도 사용자들은 PACTA와 Zapier, XWiki, Zeal 간에 비교를 하기도 합니다. 또한 여기서 다른 유사한 옵션을 살펴볼 수 있습니다: About.

FaceUp Whistleblowing System
Free Trial Subscription

FaceUp은 안전하고 사용자 친화적인 내부 고발 플랫폼이자 HR 도구입니다. 이를 통해 직원과 학생의 부정행위를 쉽게 신고할 수 있습니다. 이 포괄적인 시스템을 통해 윤리 기준을 준수할 수 있습니다.

Microsoft Visio 가져 오기를 지원하고 모든 작업을 수행 할 수있는 온라인 다이어그램 및 플로우 차트 소프트웨어

Zapier를 사용하면 다른 온라인 서비스 (Salesforce와 같은 서비스) 간의 작업을 자동화 할 수 있습니다.

Free Open Source Free Trial Subscription

협업 및 커뮤니케이션을 향상시키는 강력한 오픈 소스 협업 플랫폼.

Zeal은 API 문서 브라우저입니다.

Free Trial Subscription

엔터프라이즈 파일 공유, 동기화 및 백업

Free Free Trial Subscription

Nuclino는 팀에서 지식을 구성하고 공유하는 가장 쉬운 방법입니다.

Whatagraph는 마케팅 채널에서 데이터를 수집하여 분석보고 프로세스를 자동화하고 ...

스타트 업을위한 워크 플로우 및 프로세스 관리


Shift는 사냥꾼이나 탈출 자로 플레이하는 위치 기반 게임입니다.

계약을 스마트 계약으로 전환하여 계약 관리에 시간과 돈을 낭비하지 마십시오.


tick-square Web-Based

PACTA 비디오와 스크린샷


계약 약정을 다시는 놓치지 마십시오. 사전 계약 관리를 통해 계약을 스마트 계약으로 전환하는 4 가지 쉬운 단계


tick-square Access Controls/Permissions
tick-square Third Party Integrations
tick-square Document Management
tick-square Project Tracking
tick-square Activity Dashboard
tick-square Task Management
tick-square Workflow Management
tick-square Version Rollback
tick-square Version Control
tick-square Two-Factor Authentication
tick-square To-Do List
tick-square Text Editing
tick-square Self-service Analytics
tick-square Real Time Editing
tick-square Query Builder
tick-square Pricing Extraction
tick-square Predictive Analytics
tick-square No-Code
tick-square Natural Language Search
tick-square Multi-Language
tick-square Loan Processing
tick-square Legal Risk Management
tick-square Image Extraction
tick-square Full Text Search
tick-square For Engineering Documents
tick-square File Transfer
tick-square File Sharing
tick-square File Management
tick-square Drag & Drop
tick-square Document Templates
tick-square Document Extraction
tick-square Document Check-in/Check-out
tick-square Document Check-In/Out
tick-square Digital Signature
tick-square Database Support
tick-square Data Transformation
tick-square Data Import/Export
tick-square Data Capture and Transfer
tick-square Dashboard
tick-square Customizable Branding
tick-square Contract/License Management
tick-square Cataloging/Categorization
tick-square Buy Side (Suppliers)
tick-square Batch Processing
tick-square Authentication
tick-square Ad hoc Analysis
tick-square @mentions
tick-square Ad hoc Query
tick-square Optical Character Recognition
tick-square Multiple Output Formats
tick-square Decision Support
tick-square Multiple Data Sources
tick-square Forms Creation & Design
tick-square Conditional Logic
tick-square Visual Discovery
tick-square Data Connectors
tick-square Data Storage Management
tick-square Email Address Extraction
tick-square Data Verification
tick-square Risk Scoring
tick-square Risk Analysis
tick-square Multiple Format Support
tick-square Metadata Management
tick-square Indexing
tick-square SSL Security
tick-square Data Extraction
tick-square Alerts/Escalation
tick-square Risk Management
tick-square Sentiment Analysis
tick-square Dashboard Creation
tick-square Forecasting
tick-square Annotations
tick-square Automatic Formatting
tick-square Configurable Workflow
tick-square Content Library
tick-square RFP Management
tick-square RFP Creation
tick-square Knowledge Base Management
tick-square Content Management
tick-square Widgets
tick-square Communication Management
tick-square Document Review
tick-square For Legal Professionals
tick-square Document Classification
tick-square Case Notes
tick-square Document Analytics
tick-square Version Comparison
tick-square Process/Workflow Automation
tick-square Interaction Tracking
tick-square File Conversion
tick-square Document Automation
tick-square Autofill
tick-square Data Mapping
tick-square Self Service Data Preparation
tick-square Data Discovery
tick-square AI/Machine Learning
tick-square Templates
tick-square Document Generation
tick-square Surveys & Feedback
tick-square Government Contracts
tick-square Data Migration
tick-square Archiving & Retention
tick-square Mobile Signature Capture
tick-square Electronic Signature
tick-square Single Sign On
tick-square Multi-Party Signing
tick-square Email Templates
tick-square Automated Scheduling
tick-square Customizable Templates
tick-square Specialty Contracts
tick-square Contract Drafting
tick-square Sell Side (Customers)
tick-square Proposal Generation
tick-square Pre-built Templates
tick-square Completion Tracking
tick-square Visual Analytics
tick-square Real Time Data
tick-square Quality Control
tick-square Data Visualization
tick-square Trend Analysis
tick-square Real Time Monitoring
tick-square Real Time Analytics
tick-square Data Synchronization
tick-square Change Management
tick-square Data Security
tick-square Secure Data Storage
tick-square API
tick-square Workflow Configuration
tick-square Tagging
tick-square Rules-Based Workflow
tick-square Real Time Updates
tick-square Real Time Notifications
tick-square Collaboration Tools
tick-square Progress Tracking
tick-square Projections
tick-square Deadline Management
tick-square Forms Management
tick-square Customizable Forms
tick-square Customizable Dashboard
tick-square Commenting/Notes
tick-square Chat/Messaging
tick-square Assignment Management
tick-square Task Progress Tracking
tick-square Role-Based Permissions
tick-square Reminders
tick-square Project Workflow
tick-square Multiple Projects
tick-square Graphical Workflow Editor
tick-square Customizable Fields
tick-square Compliance Tracking
tick-square Charting
tick-square Business Process Automation
tick-square Status Tracking
tick-square Search/Filter
tick-square Purchase Order Management
tick-square Performance Metrics
tick-square Monitoring
tick-square Email Management
tick-square Customizable Reports
tick-square Time & Expense Tracking
tick-square Case Management
tick-square Audit Management
tick-square Approval Process Control
tick-square Ad hoc Reporting
tick-square Template Management
tick-square Reporting & Statistics
tick-square Real Time Reporting
tick-square Project Management
tick-square Payment Processing
tick-square Mobile Access
tick-square Invoice Management
tick-square Document Storage
tick-square Customer Database
tick-square Contact Management
tick-square Compliance Management
tick-square Client Management
tick-square Calendar Management
tick-square Alerts/Notifications
tick-square Billing & Invoicing
tick-square Activity Tracking
tick-square Self Service Portal
tick-square Reporting/Analytics
tick-square User Management
tick-square Video Conferencing
tick-square File Storage
tick-square Live Chat
tick-square Revision History
tick-square Client Portal
tick-square Audit Trail
tick-square Web Forms
tick-square Expense Tracking
tick-square Task Scheduling
tick-square Document Capture
tick-square Accounting Integration
tick-square File Recovery
tick-square Team Collaboration
tick-square Renewal Management
tick-square Contract Lifecycle Management
tick-square Phone Number Extraction
tick-square Auto Extraction

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