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4개의 무료 및 유료 대안을 Fabularium에 대한 목록으로 정리했습니다. 주요 경쟁 업체는 Text Fiction, Windows Frotz입니다. 이 외에도 사용자들은 Fabularium와 Windows Git, Lectrote 간에 비교를 하기도 합니다. 또한 여기서 다른 유사한 옵션을 살펴볼 수 있습니다: About.

Text Fiction
Free Open Source

인터랙티브 소설 이야기를위한 통역사 (일명 : terp, z-machine, text adventure engine ...

Windows Frotz
Free Open Source

Windows Frotz는 모든 기존 Infocom 텍스트 모험을 할 수있는 통역사입니다.

Windows Git
Free Open Source

Glulx 형식의 텍스트 어드벤처 통역사.

Free Open Source

휴대용 대화 형 소설 게임 통역사 응용 프로그램

Create and play interactive fiction on your Android phone or tablet.

Fabularium 플랫폼

tick-square Android

Fabularium 비디오와 스크린샷

Fabularium 개요

Create and play interactive fiction on your Android phone or tablet. Also known as text adventures, interactive books, playable novels, z-machine, glulx, tads, terps. Fun for adults and also a great way to encourage children to read and develop their imaginations.

Fabularium can play all of the major formats including: Adrift / Scare, AdvSys, the Adventure Game Toolkit (AGT), Alan (2 and 3), Glulx, Hugo, Level 9, Magnetic Scrolls, Scott Adams Adventures (Scottfree), Tads (2 and 3) and Zcode (Infocom). It can also create Glulx, Tads 3 and Zcode games.

Fabularium supports Unicode games, so if you would prefer to play in a language other than English, no problems! Just disable the built-in keyboard in the settings and use your own system keyboard. See screenshots for examples. In a future update, we will provide a means to program the built-in keyboard to use whatever script you want, as well as "hot keys" to issue common commands. The interface and play store descriptions will also be gradually localised into various languages over coming releases.

We care about typography! While the default settings should work for most games, Fabularium is also highly customisable. Make the margins as narrow or as wide as you want. Don't like the default fonts and colours? Change them. Adjust line spacing. Fiddle with other typographical features. Optimise that game for your device's screen. For maximum screen space, try using a hardware keyboard.

Fabularium is and always will be completely free, with no ads, and open source. It does not come bundled with any games; you will need to obtain these separately. There are many games freely available at http://www.ifdb.tads.org/ and http://www.ifarchive.org/ . You can download these games anywhere to your internal storage/SD card and then add them to your library from within the app. The app is also able to extract files from archives using ZIP, RAR, 7Z and other popular compression formats.

최고의 Fabularium 대안

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Fabularium 태그

interactive-fiction-maker interactive-fiction

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