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We've compiled a list of 126 free and paid alternatives to Qobuz. The primary competitors include Spotify, In addition to these, users also draw comparisons between Qobuz and Pandora, Simkl Radio, Google Play Music. Also you can look at other similar options here: Audio and Music Software.

Spotify is a commercial music streaming service providing digital rights management-restricted... is a music community website that offers personalized internet radio, using a...

Pandora Radio is a free (ad-supported) internet radio founded in 2000.

Online radio player. list of the best radio stations that are streaming online.

Google Play Music, a service available for people who have a Google account, lets people upload...

Deezer is an Internet-based music streaming service.

Jamendo is a community of free, legal and unlimited music published under Creative Commons licenses.
Free Open Source is a project to help you keep track of what music you like and share that, with your...

8tracks is handcrafted internet radio, available in US and Canada only.

A music streaming service and download store with a focus on lossless and high-resolution audio.

Qobuz Platforms

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Qobuz Overview

Qobuz is an online music platform offering streaming subscriptions and downloads. Qobuz offers more than 40 million titles in lossless quality (16-Bit/44.1 kHz, similar to CD quality), and possesses a large catalogue of high-resolution content (75,000 albums in 24-Bit Hi-Res). From the official materials:

Qobuz offers a unique online musical experience. We are different in a lot of ways: from our values to the functionalities of our applications. Let’s cite a few:

• Sound quality:
Our passion for music demands that we offer it to our users in a beautiful sound quality: lossless as well as high resolution. Several formats are available for downloads (FLAC, ALAC, AIFF, WMA, WAV). All of our applications are compatible with the highest sound quality. Be free to explore our catalogue of over 40 million titles, with more than 70,000 Hi-Res 24-bit albums. It is a passion for music and for artists that has made us lovers of good sound. Listen to music as it was written, played and recorded.

• Documentation quality:
At Qobuz, we respect the works and their history. That is why albums are commentated on and enriched, as we supply documentation on their history. We also offer you the opportunity to browse through the millions of digital booklets in all our applications. Our discographers are passionate. Independent thinking, openness, curiosity - the Qobuz style is human, and respects your freedom of choice.

• Editorial quality:
Qobuz is all about human and expert recommendations. Our editorial content looks at artists, meetings and trends in a scholarly and well-argued way. These range from small to big stories about music, for you to rediscover the pleasure of reading. Interviews, videos, photos, articles, commentaries... the editorial content that we create every day is completely exclusive. Exclusive articles, digital notes in all applications, and more. Never stop learning about the artists and the genres you love.

Qobuz Features

tick-square Playlists management
tick-square Music store
tick-square Unlimited music
tick-square Hi-fi sound
tick-square Music Library
tick-square Stream audio
tick-square Music Discovery
tick-square Works Offline

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