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User Interface (UI) Software


Qt Framework is a powerful cross-platform C++ framework for developing applications with GUIs, as well as non-GUI tools and utilities. It provides a comprehensive set of libraries and tools for building applications that can run on various platforms…

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Product design platform for businesses to create, test, and collaborate. It offers color variables, layouts, shared libraries, vector editing tools, and plugins.

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Figma is a web-based application primarily focused on user interface design, encompassing the creation of web design, mobile applications, and various graphical assets. Providing real-time project creation, collaboration, and editing features, Figma…

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NotionPower is a browser extension that enhances the user experience of by providing over 20 powerful UI/UX features and customizations. It generates a sticky table of contents, adds a scroll-to-top button, hides the help button, and allow…

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Userpilot provides development teams with tools to create and enhance user interfaces in applications and websites. The platform makes it easy to create and deploy interactive elements such as tooltips, notifications, and navigation components.

FlairBuilder is a user interface prototyping tool for easy authoring of interactive website...

Emy Library
Free Open Source

Emy is a library designed to create lightweight mobile web applications using web technologies.

1140 CSS Grid
Free Open Source

A 1140px wide, 12 column grid. Fluid all the way down to a mobile version.

Webix Pivot is a feature-rich JavaScript tool for building table reports that can be embedded into...

PSDDD is a collection of resources from Dribbble for the creative professional.

Free Open Source

Atlassian's official UI library for React

Wookmark jQuery
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Javascript library to create a waterfall (Masonry Layout) grid layout.

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WhiteStarUML is a fork of StarUML with an intent to revive its Delphi code base by updating code to...

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