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Bot Platforms Software


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Taskade revolutionizes team productivity with seamless task management, real-time collaboration, and intuitive workflow creation. Sync effortlessly across devices for uninterrupted productivity, empowering teams to achieve their goals anywhere, anyt…

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Sendbird is a platform that offers chat, voice, and video APIs and SDKs for mobile apps and websites. It lets you easily integrate messaging features, like one-on-one chat, group chat, and file sharing, into your application. With Sendbird, you can …

Elevate your website into a lead-generating powerhouse. Qualified, fueled by AI, swiftly funnels top visitors into your sales pipeline using live chat, chatbots, meeting scheduling, and insightful intent data. Boost engagement, book more meetings, a…

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Aisera is an AI-powered platform designed for enterprises, offering ChatGPT and AI search capabilities. It streamlines workflows across IT, HR, customer support, sales, and operations through tools such as AiseraGPT, AI Copilot, and AI Search. Addit…

Octane AI
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Personalized marketing tools for Shopify. Create quizzes, recommend products, and analyze data with AI. Integrates with Shopify, Klaviyo, Attentive, Recharge, Zapier, and more.

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Errbot is a chatbot, a daemon that connects to your favorite chat service and brings your tools...
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Conversational AI platform for businesses, facilitating developer collaboration, bot management, and NLP integration for creating and deploying AI-powered virtual assistants and applications, both on the cloud and on-premise.

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