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28개의 무료 및 유료 대안을 Liftground에 대한 목록으로 정리했습니다. 주요 경쟁 업체는 8fit, idoo입니다. 이 외에도 사용자들은 Liftground와 JEFIT, FitnessBliss, FocusDep 간에 비교를 하기도 합니다. 또한 여기서 다른 유사한 옵션을 살펴볼 수 있습니다: 스포츠 및 건강 소프트웨어.

개인 홈 운동, 피트니스 가이드 및 영양 계획.

idoo는 운동을 할 때의 성과를 측정하는 최초의 피트니스 앱입니다.

JEFIT는 운동 목표를 달성하고 건강을 유지하며 동기를 유지하도록 도와줍니다.

FitnessBliss를 사용하면 온라인에서 자신 만의 운동 루틴을 생성, 인쇄, 추적 및 도표화 할 수 있습니다.

시간, 운동, 지출, 독서, 명상, 학습, 복근 등을 추적하는 도구

Wrkout은 모든 크로스 핏과 보디 빌딩을위한 가장 직관적 인 추적기, 타이머 및 저널입니다 ...

특정 반복 횟수의 목표에 도달하고 싶습니까?

Liftground is social network for athletes.

Liftground 플랫폼

tick-square Web-Based

Liftground 개요

Liftground is the ultimate training community app. Not only can you use it as a personal trainer, but you will be rewarded and motivated as you share your training plans and workouts with the community. If you've ever been stuck in a rut then you know how important it is to keep adapting your training, by trying out other member's workouts and routines, you can say goodbye to plateaus!

With Liftground, you can follow coaches, friends and other athletes and add their training routines to your account. As a premium user you can even create whole routines that last for a day, a month or even plan out your whole year's training!

A clean, simple and easy to use workout builder allows you to create training sessions with any number of sets, reps and exercises you can imagine. Even better, there is no limit on how many workouts you can add to your account!

If you regularly do similar workouts then you'll love our templates feature. Which enables you to add a workout template to any routine or standalone workout. Helping you to build your workouts quickly and easily with little fuss.

Liftground keeps you motivated. By letting you know what to train each day, awarding you trophies for numerous achievements and letting you know when someone likes what you are doing. Check your timeline to see who has been training and what exercise everyone has been doing, as well as upcoming events and what routines are popular.

If you want to revolutionise your training and become part of a whole fitness community then why not try Liftground today?

최고의 Liftground 대안

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Liftground 태그

weightlifting crossfit bodybuilding training-diary fitness-apps online-diary workouts exercise-tracker exercise workout-log training-log training-journal private-diary diary fitness training health-and-fitness fitness-tracker social-network

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