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59개의 무료 및 유료 대안을 Alphaloot에 대한 목록으로 정리했습니다. 주요 경쟁 업체는 nabnbuy, RetailMenot입니다. 이 외에도 사용자들은 Alphaloot와 Honey, frostty, RETN Deals 간에 비교를 하기도 합니다. 또한 여기서 다른 유사한 옵션을 살펴볼 수 있습니다: 가정 및 가족 소프트웨어.

Nabnbuy는 캐쉬백, 거래, 할인 및 쿠폰을 제공합니다.


Honey는 쇼핑 할 때 최고의 거래를 보장하는 브라우저 플러그인입니다.

frostty는 Chrome을위한 브라우저 플러그인으로 최고의 거래를 성사시켜드립니다.

RETN 거래는 파도를 만들고 있습니다.

dealpure.com에서 최신 거래, 쿠폰, 프로모션 코드, 판매, 기프트 카드, 공짜 등을 받으십시오.

온라인과 식료품 점에서 쇼핑하는 돈을 절약 할 수있는 쿠폰 코드를 제공합니다.

쿠폰 잔디는 쿠폰 코드, 프로모션 코드 및 할인을 제공하는 인기있는 온라인 소매 업체에 할인을 제공합니다.

TopBargains is a bargain and coupon sharing platform for Australian users with more than 150,000...

Alphaloot is a fun new app to discover products, services and a whole load of other cool new things...

Alphaloot 플랫폼

tick-square Android

Alphaloot 비디오와 스크린샷

Alphaloot 개요

Alphaloot is a fun new app to discover products, services and a whole load of other cool new things around you, while standing a chance to win prizes and money each day.

Each day, we feature the UK's best brands - new and old - each offering some cool rewards for you to win, such as free stuff, vouchers, discounts, deals, and savings.

Receive a number of right-swipes each day to use on promotions you like for a chance to win some cool prizes or deals!

Alphaloot is a 100% free app to download and use.

사용하는 방법
Discover 🔍 | Swipe 👆 | Win 🎁

1) Discover - Receive personalised recommendations for things we think you'll like. The Alphaloot app learns as you use it.

2) Swipe - Swipe right if you like the recommendation or swipe left to pass. You only get a limited number of right swipes each day so use them wisely!

3) Win - Each right swipe comes with a nice reward or the chance to win some major prize!

Here are some of the things you could win with Alphaloot:

- Discount vouchers and coupons
- Giftcards
- Concert tickets
- Product samples
- Free books
- Music downloads
- Membership trials
- App downloads

Our mission is to make it more fun for everyone to discover new brands, products and services, while giving out rewards for the things they are interested in.

We want to revolutionise the way companies market new things to people, by rewarding interested loyal and potential customers rather than spamming everyone with irrelevant advertisements.

Alphaloot also learns as you use it - the more you swipe, the more relevant offers and promotions we send your way.

The Alphaloot app is 100% free to download and use, with no in-app purchases or payment needed.

For feedback or feature requests, please send us an email at [email protected]

Alphaloot 특징

tick-square App discovery

최고의 Alphaloot 대안

소프트웨어에 대한 의견을 공유하고 리뷰를 남겨 더 나아지도록 도와주세요!

Alphaloot 태그

lucky-draw special-offers offers prizes swipe vouchers voucher-code voucher discount-vouchers fashion brands coupon-codes coupon coupons discounts online-shopping

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