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3개의 무료 및 유료 대안을 Workframe에 대한 목록으로 정리했습니다. 주요 경쟁 업체는 PASKR, Bullclip입니다. 이 외에도 사용자들은 Workframe와 PlanGrid 간에 비교를 하기도 합니다. 또한 여기서 다른 유사한 옵션을 살펴볼 수 있습니다: 오피스 및 생산성 소프트웨어.

Construction Management Software that standardizes your workflow from bidding to closeout.

설계 및 시공을위한 Windows 10, iOS 및 웹의 공동 PDF 마크 업

PlanGrid는 현장용으로 제작 된 건축 생산성 소프트웨어입니다.

Project management and collaboration for high-performing real estate professionals.

Workframe 플랫폼

tick-square Windows
tick-square Web-Based
tick-square Mac
tick-square iPhone

Workframe 비디오와 스크린샷

Workframe 개요

Your current workflow is costing you time—and money. Workframe solves these issues.
Get instant insight into the health of your capital projects—see which projects are currently at-risk and deserve attention. Increase transparency, so that everyone from 'on-the-ground' contractors to project managers and administrators, remain on the same-page, all the time.

Workframe is trusted by the top CRE professionals.
Fortune 500 companies across the financial services, technology and media sectors trust Workframe to accelerate their real estate workflows .

Workframe is optimized for CRE collaboration, email isn't.
Email produces too much noise, and can lead to confusion/bifurcation. Workframe streamlines conversations and puts them in context.

Workframe is a powerful end-to-end operating system for CRE. It's more than 'collaboration' -- it can be used to optimize every step of a CRE project cycle, from project ideation through occupancy.

Adopting Workframe will give you an operational advantage.

Workframe 특징

tick-square Task assignments
tick-square Project overview
tick-square Team Collaboration
tick-square Real time collaboration

최고의 Workframe 대안

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Workframe 태그

commercial-real-estate real-estate project-management

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