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9개의 무료 및 유료 대안을 Littlewargame에 대한 목록으로 정리했습니다. 주요 경쟁 업체는 0 A.D., Age of Empires입니다. 이 외에도 사용자들은 Littlewargame와 Starcraft, Warcraft III, Dune Legacy 간에 비교를 하기도 합니다. 또한 여기서 다른 유사한 옵션을 살펴볼 수 있습니다: 게임.

0 A.D.
Free Open Source

고대 전쟁의 무료 오픈 소스 게임

Age of Empires는 10,000 년에 걸친 서사적 인 실시간 전략 게임으로, 플레이어는 ...

세계에서 가장 추방 된 테란, 잔인한 저그, 거만한 프로토스를 지휘하십시오.

Dune Legacy
Free Open Source

Dune Legacy는 소수의 개발자가 최초의 실시간 전략을 활성화하기위한 노력입니다.

Command & Conquer (C & C)는 실시간 전략 (RTS) 비디오 게임 프랜차이즈로 처음 개발되었습니다 ...

이 도시 건설 전략 게임에서, 당신은 다시 시작하기로 결정한 추방 된 여행자 그룹을 통제합니다 ...

그리스, 로마, 노르웨이, 아틀란티스의 판테온으로서 군대를 지휘하십시오.

모래 언덕은 전략 게임이다

Littlewargame is a medieval-themed HTML5 Real-Time-Strategy game with multiplayer mode and a map...

Littlewargame 플랫폼

tick-square Web-Based

Littlewargame 비디오와 스크린샷

Littlewargame 개요

Ever wished you could play a good real time strategy game in your browser with minimal fuss? That's exactly what Littlewargame aims to achieve with its simple (but very enjoyable) browser based RTS.

Littlewargame is all about getting you into a game quickly, allowing players to play with a guest account and literally be playing a single player game in only a few seconds. Games can support up to 6 players with a huge range of custom user maps designed for 1v1, 2v2, 3v3 and free for all engagements, as well as a massive variety of custom games, with custom units, buildings, properties and abilities. This large map variety ensures you won't be running out of options anytime soon regardless of your preferences.

While you'll definitely get a greater challenge from playing against another player, the AI puts up quite a good fight and the game even lets you load your own custom AI if you're interested in coding a difficult opponent for yourself or other players.

If coding isn't for you then there is still plenty of opportunity to contribute to the community through the map editor that lets you create your own maps and make them available to others.

When you play, you'll find yourself using units like the soldier, archer, mage, priest, wolf, catapult, werewolf and even dragons (as well as many more) while upgrading their damage, defense, speed, range and other properties to suit your grand strategy. The game has an active community and an engaged developer, constantly producing updates with new units and new features.

Littlewargame 특징

tick-square Medieval
tick-square RTS

최고의 Littlewargame 대안

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Littlewargame 태그

html5-games online-game browser-game

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