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18개의 무료 및 유료 대안을 55Photos에 대한 목록으로 정리했습니다. 주요 경쟁 업체는 Mylio, Fluschipranie입니다. 이 외에도 사용자들은 55Photos와 Downloadair, DownAlbum, Photo Grabbr 간에 비교를 하기도 합니다. 또한 여기서 다른 유사한 옵션을 살펴볼 수 있습니다: 백업 및 동기화 소프트웨어.

Fluschipranie is an addon for downloading your facebook albums.

갤러리와 친구들로부터 사진, 비디오 및 앨범을 다운로드하십시오. 용이하게.

Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, Ask.fm, Weibo Album을 다운로드하십시오.

Flickrs API를 사용하여 전체 사진 세트를 다운로드하는 간단한 응용 프로그램입니다.

PicBackMan은 사진을 업로드 / 백업 할 수있는 대량 사진 및 비디오 업 로더입니다.

이런 젠장! 원래 크기의 Flickr 포토 스트림 전체를 PC에 다운로드하십시오!

Bloom은 사진과 비디오를 쉽고 효율적으로 업로드 할 수있는 데스크탑 앱입니다.

Search, view, edit, manage, organize, transfer, download, upload, backup online photos and albums...

55Photos 플랫폼

tick-square Web-Based

55Photos 비디오와 스크린샷

55Photos 개요

55Photos is a web app that works Facebook, Flickr, Picasa, Dropbox, VK, Pixlr, Ribbet, PicMonkey, FotoFlexer. Please see features of 55Photos below.

Explore, view, edit and manage online photos

view, explore and manage all your online photos in the same and convenient way in one place
link and access your photo sharing accounts like Flickr, your social network accounts like Facebook and your cloud file storage accounts like Dropbox
view your friend's photos, group's photos, page's photos, event's photos
search and view public online photos
start slideshows fast and easy and choose from tens transition effects
edit photos in various popular online photo editors
edit photo and album details like title, description, tags, permissions and licenses
create new albums or delete photos and albums
get direct links to all available photo sizes

Transfer online photos

transfer a single photo, multiple photos or entire album
transfer photos between your favorite photo services or between user accounts on the same photo service
transfer photos from your friend's albums, groups, pages, events
drag-and-drop photos to initiate a photo transfer or use wizard window for specifying photo transfer parameters
transfer photos in the highest resolution available
photo details like title, description and tags are also transferred

Download online photos

download a single photo, multiple photos or entire album to your computer
download photos from your albums, your friend's albums, groups, pages, events
download photos in the highest resolution available
photo details like title, description and tags can also be downloaded
photos and text files with photo details are packed into a ZIP file

Upload local photos

upload photos from a local drive to your favorite photo services in the same and convenient way in one place
drag-and-drop photos from a local folder to initiate an upload or use File Open dialog box to select files for upload

55Photos 특징

tick-square Flickr integration
tick-square Facebook integration
tick-square Photo Organization
tick-square Dropbox integration

최고의 55Photos 대안

소프트웨어에 대한 의견을 공유하고 리뷰를 남겨 더 나아지도록 도와주세요!

55Photos 태그

vkontakte.ru vk.com vk-downloader managed-file-transfer flickr-client foto flickr-backup facebook-album-downloader flickr-download picasa flickr-upload flickr facebook-download migration data-migration photos photo-album facebook upload-photos photo-gallery image-gallery dropbox online-backup images transfer-files image-viewer upload-images download-manager photography photo-editing image-editing

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