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我们整理了一个包含139个免费和付费的Tableau替代方案的列表。主要竞争对手包括:VWO Insights - Mobile AppVWO Insights。除了这些之外,用户还会将Tableau与VWO Engage (PushCrew)VWO Data360VWO Testing进行比较。此外,您还可以在这里查看其他类似的选项:分析软件数据分析软件

移动应用程序的 VWO Insights 提供实时网站流量数据、A/B 实验更新和详细分析。您可以在智能手机或平板电脑上监控指标、接收实验通知、分析结果并方便地访问重要报告。通过会话记录和热图深入了解用户行为,从而优化移动应用程序。

VWO Engage 可通过有针对性的通知提高用户参与度。该工具可创建个性化信息,如促销、购物车提醒和订阅请求,由用户在网站上的操作触发。

VWO Data360:先进的数据分析和优化平台。从网络分析、客户关系管理及更多方面获取洞察力。 使用 ML/AI 进行自动测试,以改进数字产品,为明智决策提供强大的报告和数据可视化。

VWO Testing
Free Trial Subscription

VWO Testing 是一款先进的网站和应用程序 A/B 和多元测试工具。利用可视化编辑、SSO 身份验证、行为定位和强大的分析功能,对页面元素进行测试、分析转化率并增强用户体验。

VWO Personalize 通过强大的个性化引擎为高转化率网站提供支持。利用访客数据(如设备、浏览行为和第三方洞察)定制特定的营销活动。通过结合浏览器属性、参与数据和第三方 API 的综合数据湖,大规模打造个性化体验。

SAS Viya
Free Trial Subscription

SAS Viya 人工智能驱动和分析平台可加速数据集成和模型开发,并降低云支出。它具有云原生功能,可促进协作,支持多种数据类型,并确保高效、透明和自动化的人工智能和分析流程。



Google Analytics 是一项功能强大的网络分析服务,可让您跟踪和分析网站流量。通过 Google Analytics,您可以深入了解用户与网站的互动方式、他们来自哪里、他们最常访问哪些页面等等。它提供的宝贵数据可帮助您优化网站并提高其性能。

Tableau 是一款功能强大的数据可视化和商业智能工具,可让您以互动和有意义的方式分析和可视化数据。它使用户能够连接各种数据源、创建仪表盘并分享见解。

Tableau 平台

tick-square Windows
tick-square Web-Based
tick-square Linux
tick-square Mac

Tableau 视频和截图

Tableau 概览

Tableau可以帮助任何人查看和了解他们的数据。 连接到几乎所有数据库,拖放以创建可视化效果,然后单击即可共享。


同样,通过Tableau Public,您可以在几分钟内创建和共享交互式图表和图形,精美的地图,实时仪表板和有趣的应用程序,然后免费发布在网络上的任何位置。

Tableau 特点

tick-square Time Series Analysis
tick-square Third Party Integrations
tick-square Territorial Mapping
tick-square Survival Analysis
tick-square Storytelling
tick-square Statistical Simulation
tick-square Statistical Process Control
tick-square Sensitive Data Identification
tick-square Self-service Analytics
tick-square Relational Display
tick-square Regression Analysis
tick-square Radial Mapping
tick-square Query Builder
tick-square Profitability Analysis
tick-square Predictive Analytics
tick-square OLAP
tick-square Natural Language Search
tick-square Multivariate Analysis
tick-square Multi-Language
tick-square Modeling & Simulation
tick-square Mobile Dashboards
tick-square Mixed Methods Research
tick-square Media Analytics
tick-square Master Data Management
tick-square Marketing Reports
tick-square Integration into Third Party Applications
tick-square Information Governance
tick-square High Volume Processing
tick-square For Science
tick-square For Education
tick-square Financial Reporting
tick-square Embeddable Maps
tick-square Element Analytics
tick-square ETL
tick-square Dynamic Content
tick-square Drag & Drop
tick-square Demand Forecasting
tick-square Database Support
tick-square Data Warehousing
tick-square Data Transformation
tick-square Data Quality Control
tick-square Data Integration
tick-square Data Import/Export
tick-square Data Dictionary Management
tick-square Data Coding
tick-square Data Cleansing
tick-square Data Capture and Transfer
tick-square Data Blending
tick-square Dashboard
tick-square Customizable Branding
tick-square Event Logs
tick-square Contextual Search
tick-square Categorization/Grouping
tick-square Authentication
tick-square Association Discovery
tick-square Ad hoc Analysis
tick-square AB Testing
tick-square Ad hoc Query
tick-square Public Dashboards
tick-square For Sales Teams/Organizations
tick-square Geographic Maps
tick-square Key Performance Indicators
tick-square Campaign Tracking
tick-square Visual Discovery
tick-square Trend/Problem Indicators
tick-square Single Page View
tick-square Scorecards
tick-square Scheduled/Automated Reports
tick-square Private Dashboards
tick-square KPI Monitoring
tick-square Functions/Calculations
tick-square Data Connectors
tick-square Benchmarking
tick-square Multi-Channel Attribution
tick-square Data Storage Management
tick-square Publishing/Sharing
tick-square Metadata Management
tick-square Text Analysis
tick-square Data Analysis Tools
tick-square Alerts/Escalation
tick-square Strategic Planning
tick-square Sentiment Analysis
tick-square ROI Tracking
tick-square Multi-Channel Data Collection
tick-square For Healthcare
tick-square User Research Analysis
tick-square Quantitative Analysis
tick-square Website Analytics
tick-square Qualitative Comparative Analysis
tick-square Heatmaps
tick-square Dashboard Creation
tick-square Forecasting
tick-square Annotations
tick-square Widgets
tick-square Data Mapping
tick-square Self Service Data Preparation
tick-square Data Discovery
tick-square AI/Machine Learning
tick-square Templates
tick-square Data Migration
tick-square Visual Analytics
tick-square Real Time Data
tick-square Data Visualization
tick-square Data Management
tick-square Trend Analysis
tick-square Statistical Analysis
tick-square Real Time Analytics
tick-square Data Security
tick-square API
tick-square Customizable Dashboard
tick-square Role-Based Permissions
tick-square Customizable Fields
tick-square Compliance Tracking
tick-square Collaboration Tools
tick-square Search/Filter
tick-square Sales Reports
tick-square Performance Metrics
tick-square Monitoring
tick-square Customizable Reports
tick-square Ad hoc Reporting
tick-square Activity Dashboard
tick-square Reporting & Statistics
tick-square Customer Database
tick-square Alerts/Notifications
tick-square Self Service Portal
tick-square Reporting/Analytics
tick-square Access Controls/Permissions
tick-square User Management
tick-square File Storage
tick-square Bayesian Analysis
tick-square Server Monitoring
tick-square Task Management
tick-square Performance Monitoring
tick-square Customer Journey Mapping
tick-square Behavioral Analytics


Tableau 标签

self-hosted-sync-server statistics data-visualization data-analysis business-intelligence big-data analytics




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