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Powrót arrow-right Entangle for Avid

Oto lista 5 bezpłatnych i płatnych alternatyw dla Entangle for Avid. Główni konkurenci obejmują PluralEyes, Tentacle Sync. Oprócz tego, użytkownicy porównują także Entangle for Avid z Syncaila, QT Sync, Woowave DreamSync. Ponadto można spojrzeć na inne podobne opcje tutaj: About.

Główną cechą PluralEyes jest automatyczna synchronizacja kilku plików wideo i audio.

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Multi-camera auto-sync tool for video editors

QT Sync to QuickTime Movie Player, Movie Sync Fixer, TimeCode Inserter, Movie Ratio Changer i ...

DreamSync is a standalone software solution for Mac OS X and Windows that simplifies the tedious...

Synchronizowanie materiału poprzez wybranie klipów w Avid -> kliknij prawym przyciskiem myszy -> Synchronizuj w Entangle

Entangle for Avid Platformy

tick-square Mac

Entangle for Avid Wideo i zrzuty ekranu

Entangle for Avid Przegląd

Łatwa synchronizacja podwójnego audio i audio dla Avid. Wystarczy wybrać klipy, kliknąć prawym przyciskiem myszy, wysłać do Entangle i przeciągnąć wynikowy AAF.
Lots of people are using DSLRs , and non-timecode external recorders ( such as low range Zoom, Tascam etc. ). Which bring us to the main point.. How can I handle synchronization in these cases?

Well, there is a way. Actually , Plural Eyes is on the market for quite some time. But even that, just doesn't feel right. Throwing clips on timeline.. getting back another timeline.. You may get synced footage, but you get one messy workspace.

Entangle for Avid from Edit8, which is still in beta, may target few of these issues, has great flow with Avid ( at least the one I was testing on) , and is fully AAF oriented. SO you can do this anytime in the process.

The workflow is really simple, once you install the app, you need to run it once. Then you can fire up Avid Media Composer and a new context menu will be available on right click send to menu.(Synchronize in Entangle).
The footage you can use is limited to linked to AMA files, and for video preview, they need to be playable in Quicktime X. So if you got some files already in a bin, you can go there, select them -> right click -> synchronize in Entangle.
Then you go back to Entangle and wait for files to appear.
When they appear, you can select few or all, and click Prepare, which will create audio fingerprints. This process is really quick and it takes roughly 1 sec or less per each minute of footage.
When they are all showing as Ready, you can select few or all and synchronize them. The results are almost instant. If you like the sync, you can just click the AAF button and export an AAF sequence for Avid or you can do it many times with different shots as needed.

With one limitation, currently it only works with linked to AMA files, and only on Mac.

Entangle for Avid Funkcje

tick-square Sync Audio & Video

Najlepsze alternatywy dla Entangle for Avid

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Entangle for Avid Tagi

woowave plural-eyes imovie-sync-audio formerly-known-as-woowave external-audio alternative-to-plural-eyes audio-sync

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