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Oto lista 22 bezpłatnych i płatnych alternatyw dla ECAT - Electronic Compliance Audit Tool. Główni konkurenci obejmują RocketReach, TextExpander. Oprócz tego, użytkownicy porównują także ECAT - Electronic Compliance Audit Tool z Reply, Lusha, Apollo. Ponadto można spojrzeć na inne podobne opcje tutaj: About.

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RocketReach to kompleksowa platforma, która zapewnia wyszukiwanie wiadomości e-mail i informacje kontaktowe dla profesjonalistów. Pomaga znaleźć adresy e-mail, numery telefonów i profile mediów społecznościowych osób i firm.

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Organisations with significant auditing needs are using ECAT to automate paper-based audits, to cut...

ECAT - Electronic Compliance Audit Tool Platformy

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ECAT - Electronic Compliance Audit Tool Przegląd

ECATs intelligent audit management software enables organisations, who have significant auditing needs, to easily conduct deep, accurate, frequent audits. Enabling them to cut costs, improve compliance, strengthen operations and gain competitive edge. "Our purpose is to make it easy and feasible for organisations, using mobile technology, to get an instant, accurate and complete picture of the state or status of anything so that they can embrace intelligence in their processes.

Key Industry Challenges ECAT Addresses

- Paper-based audits and manual processes
- Manage- growing auditing, documentation and reporting requirements YoY
- High cost, time and resource consumption in audit management
- Managing data discrepancies and repetitions
- Mishmash of systems and its inefficiencies
- Complex technology to understand industry and company's needs
- Keep compliance pace with globalization, technology, and emerging business models
- Native mechanisms don't meet the security auditing needs of modern businesses
- Increasing the value of Security patrols

ECAT Differentiator

- Instant dedicated customer support
- Easy-to-use with minimal or no training
- High-speed audit hierarchy/Location setup with a simple and intuitive user interface
- Ongoing assistance for Audit Configuration and Consulting
- NFC/Bar-coding, GPS capability to endorse Security Patrolling (Proof of Presence)
- Low-cost rollout process that saves user's time and efforts

We Guarantee: Deployment < 5 Days (or even in hours) if You Are Ready

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ECAT - Electronic Compliance Audit Tool Tagi

audit-automation audit-management risk-and-compliance audit-tool compliance-software compliance-audit compliance security-auditing

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