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Oto lista 4 bezpłatnych i płatnych alternatyw dla Ebobirthday. Główni konkurenci obejmują OrgBusiness Software, Zhorn Birthday Reminder. Oprócz tego, użytkownicy porównują także Ebobirthday z Symbyoz Happy Birthdays, SS Birthday Reminder Live. Ponadto można spojrzeć na inne podobne opcje tutaj: About.

Organizuj, śledź i zarządzaj wszelkimi informacjami związanymi z twoim domem, firmą lub organizacją.

Przypomnienie o urodzeniu powiadomi Cię o urodzinach, o których musisz pamiętać, przed tymi datami.

Hello and welcome to EboBirthday!

Ebobirthday Platformy

tick-square Android

Ebobirthday Przegląd

Hello and welcome to EboBirthday!

You can bring this help up by pressing MENU and choosing "Help/About".

How to get birthdays into the database:

1. Enter them manually.
Press MENU, Choose Edit Dates, click on the person you want to edit, then simply edit the date. You can search using your keyboard.

2. Import them from your contacts' notes.
If you previously entered your contacts' birthdays and anniversaries in the notes, you can press MENU and choose Import, then Parse Contacts' Notes. NOTE that you must enter them as "Birthday: [date]" and/or "Anniversary: [date]" (You can change that in the settings). There should be a newline or semicolon after the date. The date must be in a format that your phone understands, ie if you're in the US, it should be something like "6/14/76".

3. Import them from your old Windows Mobile phone
First, export all your contacts using PPCBckpContacts (search for it via google here). Put the resulting file on your Android phone. Then press MENU, choose "Import", "Windows Mobile", and select that file. (If you have a file manager like OI File Manager installed, you can browse to the file; if not, you need to enter the file name.) Click on Import.

4. Import them from a CSV File
You can go to the settings by pressing MENU + Settings and edit the event types and CSV information to match the file you're about to read. Then click MENU, "Import", "CSV File", and choose the file to import.

5. Import them from Facebook
Press MENU, Choose Import, Choose Facebook. Log in with your facebook account information. EboBirthday will scan all your friends and add birthdays. If there a name is recognized as a contact, the birthday will be associated with that contact. If not, it will be a birthday record that is identified by just its name.

6. Import them from google.com/contacts
Press MENU, Choose Sync google.com Contacts. This requires the contact sync plug-in. You will be prompted to install it if you don't have it.

Note that you can search in both the birthday list and the contact list by just typing a substring with your keyboard.

In the main list of birthdays, you can click on an entry to edit it, or hold it to select options, like viewing the contact, sending an text message (if this is associated with a contact who has a mobile phone), or send a mail (if there is a contact with an e-mail address). You will have the option to edit and review the text message or email before sending it off.

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