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Abbiamo compilato una lista di 32 alternative gratuite e a pagamento a MyFitnessPal. I principali concorrenti includono iEatHealthy, Waistline. Inoltre, gli utenti fanno anche confronti tra MyFitnessPal e Lose it!, EatHealthy Tracker, Inlivo. Puoi anche dare un'occhiata ad altre opzioni simili qui: Software per lo sport e la salute.

Applicazione dietetica per aiutarti a conoscere e tenere traccia dell'assunzione di cibo sano.

Free Open Source

Contatore di calorie gratuito e localizzatore di peso

Semplice approccio al monitoraggio della dieta con obiettivi, risultati e statistiche complete.

Inlivo è un'applicazione gratuita di coaching per la salute focalizzata sulla perdita di peso salutare e sulla prevenzione delle malattie; ...

Stabilisci un obiettivo di peso e ti diremo come raggiungerlo!

Il CalorieBase gratuito (sito Web e app) è stato lanciato nel 2019 con l'obiettivo di effettuare il conteggio delle calorie ...

Un'app tracker di calorie e alimenti basata su immagini con un angolo sociale

Con Dutrition puoi creare programmi dietetici quotidiani e condividerli con i tuoi amici.

Open Food Facts
Free Open Source

Open Food Facts raccoglie informazioni e dati sui prodotti alimentari di tutto il mondo.

Lose weight with MyFitnessPal, the fastest and easiest-to-use calorie counter.

MyFitnessPal Piattaforme

tick-square Web-Based
tick-square iPad
tick-square Android
tick-square iPhone

MyFitnessPal Video e screenshot

MyFitnessPal Panoramica

MyFitnessPal is a vibrant health and fitness community with robust tools to track your nutritional intake and exercise levels. Our huge food database makes tracking calories easy, our community offers much needed support and best of all it's absolutely free!

This release includes all the newest features members love like international language support, AND even more:

- Voice Commands: One of our tastiest features yet: add to your diary using nothing more than your voice!! Simply press and hold the Windows button and easily add food, exercise, measurements and more to your MyFitnessPal profile.

- Push Notifications: Stay up to speed and in the loop. Get alerts when your friends are giving you support, send comments to one another's profiles and news feeds, etc. and get alerted with a simple push notification.

-Type-ahead searching: Search and log faster and easier than ever with type-ahead search. Eating leftovers today? Just start typing the first few letters and watch your list filter to show you exactly what you're looking for in real-time as you type.

- International Language Support – The app is now available in French, German, Spanish, and Portuguese (Brazilian)

- Complete Support for Units of Measure – Members can now take advantage of local units of measure including weight, height, distances logged, and units of energy.

- PC Magazine Editor's Choice Selection
- Wired Magazine's Editor's Pick for Lifestyle Apps

Featured in Consumer Reports, the NY Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Family Circle, Marie Claire, NBC, CNET, Shape, the Today Show and more.

Advertisements: MyFitnessPal displays advertisements in its mobile app unless you pay $49.99 / year.

MyFitnessPal Caratteristiche

tick-square Calorie Counting
tick-square Track Activities

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MyFitnessPal Tag

nutrition-tracking nutrition-information nutrition food-journal dieting diet-tracker diet-plan barcode-scanner fitness fitness-tracker adware

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