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Nous avons compilé une liste de 58 alternatives gratuites et payantes à Heedbook. Les principaux concurrents incluent Google Drive - Forms, LimeSurvey. En plus de cela, les utilisateurs établissent également des comparaisons entre Heedbook et Ramen, Responster, Typeform. Vous pouvez également consulter d'autres choix similaires ici : About.

Open Source

LimeSurvey (anciennement PHPSurveyor) est une application Web PHP Open Source permettant de développer, publier et ...

L'outil de feed-back qui fait pâlir les clients et fait craquer leurs concurrents.

Créez des formulaires de conversation, des enquêtes, des questionnaires, des pages de destination, etc.

REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture) est une application Web sécurisée permettant de créer et de gérer ...

Pollscape is a polling app that helps to create polls, share them and get opinions in a fast and...

Engageform: l'outil ultime pour créer des quiz, des enquêtes et des sondages ... en un clin d'œil!

MySurveyLab est un logiciel de sondage en ligne pour tous les types et toutes les tailles d’entreprise.

Des sondages gratuits qui peuvent vous accompagner partout. Construire ------

Heedbook is the first online AI-based software for evaluating and boosting customer loyalty.

Heedbook Plates-formes

tick-square Android
tick-square Web-Based
tick-square Windows

Heedbook Vidéo et captures d'écran

Heedbook Description

Service receives and analyzes video and audio stream from a webcam on the employee's workplace and processes it by the systems of intelligent recognition of emotions, speech and other parameters. Information is provided in the context of customers, employees and offices of the company.
Analyzing the customer's emotions, verbal expressions, the content of the conversation with the employee and other parameters, Heedbook offers a complete range of services to measure overall customer satisfaction with the quality of service. The system also allows to improve business processes and boost cross-selling.

A. Analysis of customer emotions:
Heedbook distinguishes eight types of customer emotions. The system describes emotional state of customer with more than 85% certainty.

B. Real-time monitoring of service quality:
Your computer will be connected to all workstations on the front lines and you will be able to monitor employee-customer interactions online or watch these dialogues at any time convenient.

C. Script adherence:
Now it's quite easy to accurately and quickly evaluate sales script adherence of your front line employees without having to listen to each dialogue. HeedBook turns recorded speech into written text, so you always can easily return and go through these dialogues' content.

D. Evaluation of customer's attention:
Great customer service strategy should focuses not only on emotional awareness, but also on attracting customers' attention.
HeedBook allows you to determine the level of customer's attention to the dialogue with your front line employee.

E. Notifications of all incidents which happen on the front line:
Learn about non-standard situations with customers such as excessive duration of normative dialogues, use of “forbidden words” or customer's aggression.

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Heedbook Mots clés

recognize-client-mood intelligent-video-analytics facial-emotion-detection emotion-recognition-app client-emotions-analytics

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