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我们整理了一个包含25个免费和付费的Eyeq替代方案的列表。主要竞争对手包括:LumositySpreed。除了这些之外,用户还会将Eyeq与SpritzReasySpeed Reader进行比较。此外,您还可以在这里查看其他类似的选项:体育和健康软件

Lumosity.com的所有大脑锻炼都以广泛的研究为基础。 科学顾问委员会...

Spreed makes speed reading online text content easy.

Free Open Source

Firefox和Google Chrome扩展程序,可以使用快速顺序视觉系统进行阅读...

Speed Reader使用一种称为“快速串行视觉演示”的方法,使您可以通过...快速阅读。


Reedy-速读应用程序使用Reedy(适用于Google Chrome或Android)更快地阅读您想要的所有内容



The eyeQ program uses dozens of scientifically proven exercises to train your eyes and your brain...

Eyeq 平台

tick-square Web-Based

Eyeq 概览

The eyeQ program uses dozens of scientifically proven exercises to train your eyes and your brain to read and process information faster. See yourself improve as the program automatically adjusts based on your performance. It becomes a guided course that is customized just for you. No hassle, no confusion. Just effective, powerful training.

You will never read the same way again. With eyeQ, once you unlock your potential, you will always be a step ahead of the pack. The longer you use the program, the better you will be able to retain your reading speed and comprehension. Many of our customers have used eyeQ for over 10 years, with amazing results!

Our product works and we can prove it. Two independent studies at major universities have demonstrated a massive increase in brain activity as a result of using the eyeQ program. One study documented an increase of 1,500% in brain activity on the right side of the brain. That's some serious brain power.



Eyeq 标签

read-faster speed-reading reading brain-training learning educational-game




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