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Nós compilamos uma lista de 8 alternativas gratuitas e pagas para o omnidb. Os principais concorrentes incluem: phpMyAdmin, DBeaver. Além disso, os usuários também fazem comparações entre omnidb e HeidiSQL, pgAdmin, pgModeler. Além disso, você pode conferir outras opções semelhantes aqui: About.

Free Open Source

O phpMyAdmin é uma ferramenta escrita em PHP destinada a lidar com a administração do MySQL pela Web.

DBeaver - Universal Database Manager e SQL Client.

Free Open Source

HeidiSQL é uma ferramenta útil projetada para desenvolvedores web usando o popular servidor MySQL, Microsoft SQL ...

Free Open Source

O pgAdmin é a plataforma de administração e desenvolvimento de código aberto mais popular e com mais recursos ...

Modelador de banco de dados PostgreSQL de código aberto com diagramas de relacionamento entre entidades, ferramentas de gerenciamento de dados ...

Free Open Source

Cliente multiplataforma baseado na Web para bancos de dados PostgreSQL

Free Open Source

O phpPgAdmin é uma ferramenta de administração baseada na Web para o PostgreSQL.

O myLittleAdmin é a primeira ferramenta de gerenciamento baseada na Web, especialmente projetada para o MS SQL Server.

OmniDB is a browser-based tool that simplifies database management focusing on interactivity...

omnidb Plataformas

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omnidb Vídeo e capturas de tela

omnidb Visão geral

OmniDB is an open source browser-based app designed to access and manage many different Database Management systems, eg PostgreSQL, Oracle and MySQL. OmniDB can run either as an App or via Browser, combining the flexibility needed for various access paths with a design that puts security first. OmniDB is actively developed, automatically tested on a variety of databases and browsers and comes with full documentation.

Since early development, OmniDB was designed as an browser-based app. Consequently, it runs in any browser, from any operational system. It can be accessed by several computers and multiple users, each one of them with his/her own group of connections. It also can be hosted in any operational system, without the need of install any dependencies. We will see further details on installation in the next chapters.

OmniDB's main objective is to offer an unified workspace with all functionalities needed to manipulate different DMBS. DBMS specific tools aren't required: in OmniDB, the context switch between different DBMS is done with a simple connection switch, without leaving the same page. The end-user's sensation is that there is no difference when he/she manipulates different DBMS, it just feels like different connections.

Despite this, OmniDB is built with simplicity in mind, designed to be a fast and lightweight browser-based application. OmniDB is also powered by the WebSocket technology, allowing the user to execute multiple queries and procedures in multiple databases in multiple hosts in background.

OmniDB is also secure. All OmniDB user data are stored encrypted, and no database password is stored at all. When the user first connects to a database, OmniDB asks for the password. This password is encrypted and stored in memory for a specific amount of time. When this time expires, OmniDB asks the password again. This ensures maximum security for the database OmniDB is connecting to.

omnidb Recursos

tick-square Web-Based

Principais alternativas ao omnidb

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omnidb Etiquetas

oracle-databases postgresql mysql-databases

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