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Oto lista 21 bezpłatnych i płatnych alternatyw dla XAP. Główni konkurenci obejmują CockroachDB, Redis. Oprócz tego, użytkownicy porównują także XAP z CouchDB, GridGain In-Memory Data Fabric, CouchBase. Ponadto można spojrzeć na inne podobne opcje tutaj: Oprogramowanie infrastruktury IT, Oprogramowanie do katalogowania danych.

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XAP is an in-memory computing software platform that processes all your data & applications in...

XAP Platformy

tick-square Linux
tick-square Mac
tick-square Windows

XAP Przegląd

XAP is an in-memory computing software platform that processes all your data & applications in real time.

XAP works by enabling an entire application to run on a single platform with all tiers collapsed into one container, while storing all your data in memory, and scaling your applications automatically and on demands.

It allows for extreme data management using in memory data caching while ensuring immediate consistency, fully supporting transactions and rich query semantics & data indexing. XAP is also optimized for Big Data by efficiently combining real-time processing of massive data strams with batch processing of large data volumes using built-in integrations (ex. Hadoop or Cassandra). One of XAP's strongest features is scalable replication across data centers. This allows for near real-time replication of massive data streams, which is essential for disaster recovery, cloud bursting and multi-site scenarios.

XAP Funkcje

tick-square Real-time
tick-square In-memory database
tick-square Real-time analytics
tick-square Low Latency

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XAP Tagi

in-memory-computing in-memory caching real-time big-data

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