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Powrót arrow-right ... arrow-right Oprogramowanie do wideo i filmów arrow-right Varrando Player

Oto lista 32 bezpłatnych i płatnych alternatyw dla Varrando Player. Główni konkurenci obejmują VideoJS, OSM Player. Oprócz tego, użytkownicy porównują także Varrando Player z Flowplayer, Videogular, Plyr. Ponadto można spojrzeć na inne podobne opcje tutaj: Oprogramowanie do wideo i filmów.

Free Open Source

VideoJS to odtwarzacz wideo HTML5, zbudowany z JavaScript i CSS, z możliwością powrotu do wideo Flash ...

OSM Player
Free Open Source

Open Standard Media Player (OSM Player) to wszechstronny odtwarzacz multimediów dla Internetu.

Flowplayer to odtwarzacz wideo typu Open Source (GPL 3) dla Internetu.

Free Open Source

Prosty, dostępny i konfigurowalny odtwarzacz multimedialny HTML5.

Free Open Source

MooPlay zapewnia narzędzia oprócz znaczników wideo HTML5, dzięki którym możesz zbudować własny odtwarzacz.

Free Open Source

HTML5 <video> i <audio> jest łatwe. Jeden plik. Dowolna przeglądarka. Ten sam interfejs użytkownika.

Free Open Source

jPlayer to biblioteka multimediów napisana w JavaScript, odtwarzacz wideo oparty na jQuery.

The smallest HTML5 player, awesome in performance. Turbo charged monetization: VAST 3.

Varrando Player Platformy

tick-square Web-Based

Varrando Player Wideo i zrzuty ekranu

Varrando Player Przegląd


Monetize your videos, customize your player and take it out for a spin on your pages: https://varrando.com/demo/


• The smallest HTML5 video player on the market (by 2-3 times). Awesome in performance. This means the fastest load time. Users do not abandon videos: more ad impressions.

• Reliable advertising engine. Error free, complete, performant IAB VAST 3.0/VPAID/VMAP implementation. Rest assured Varrando runs your ads best.

• Ad fill and revenue maximization algorithms built in. Given a list of video ad sources, it calls every ad network in parallel and optimizes revenue/fill rate: more ad impressions.

• Complete control over user ad experience: manage ad behaviour, ad timeouts, max nr of ads, filter ad types, capping, etc. Protect your brand's audience.

• Optimizations: run pre-roll ad after content starts or request pre-roll ads and load VMAPs parallel with player loading, etc. Video will fast start if ad does not respond quickly. When the ad finally loads, it will pause content and run. Smooth user experience increased brand loyalty and more ad impressions.

• Ad scheduling across user session on the website. Every X minutes (across multiple videos) or every X videos. Effective in terms of ad completion for both short and long form content.

• Cost efficient services. Eg: the monthly cost of storing and handling 1B event metrics is: $ 6.17

Varrando Player Funkcje

tick-square Html5

Najlepsze alternatywy dla Varrando Player

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Varrando Player Tagi

html5 video-advertising web-video-player html5-video-player advertising web-analytics video-player

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