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Powrót arrow-right ... arrow-right Przeglądarki internetowe arrow-right Quix

Oto lista 6 bezpłatnych i płatnych alternatyw dla Quix. Główni konkurenci obejmują Greasemonkey, Ubiquity. Oprócz tego, użytkownicy porównują także Quix z Shortwave, YubNub, Site Connector. Ponadto można spojrzeć na inne podobne opcje tutaj: Przeglądarki internetowe.

Free Open Source

Dostosuj sposób wyświetlania lub zachowania strony internetowej za pomocą małych fragmentów kodu JavaScript.

Free Open Source

Rozszerzenie Mozilla Firefox, Ubiquity to zbiór szybkich i łatwych w języku naturalnym ...

Shortwave to rozszerzalna zakładka szybkiego wyszukiwania i skrótów.

Free Open Source

YubNub to internetowa usługa sieciowa z interfejsem w stylu wiersza poleceń.

Skróty są jak ulepszone szybkie wybieranie do przeglądania stron internetowych.

Your Bookmarklets, On Steroids

Quix Platformy

tick-square Web-Based

Quix Wideo i zrzuty ekranu

Quix Przegląd

Your Bookmarklets, On Steroids

Quix is an extensible bookmarklet, that allows you to easily access all your bookmarks and bookmarklets, across all your browsers, while maintaining them in only one spot. All you have to do is remember the shortcut for the bookmarklet, so, basically, it's like a command line for your browser!

No plugins slowing down your browser

A lot of developers and other heavy browser users have noticed it: they use FireFox because its got these awesome extensions, but its also these extensions that make FireFox slow, very very slow. And most of the stuff these extensions do, we dont even need on each page load, so wouldnt it be a lot better if we could choose to perform certain commands when we need them?
No need to remember multiple bookmarklets

The solution for a lot of these issues are bookmarklets, but when youve been working with bookmarklets for a while, youll notice that these bookmarklets are cluttering your browser toolbar, which means you cant find them anymore or spend valuable time looking for the correct bookmarklet. There has to be an easier way right? Thats where Quix comes in!
Maintain your bookmarklets in one spot

Quix gives you a simple prompt, which allows you to type easy to remember commands and perform the actions you want to perform when you want to perform them, and not a second later. It comes with a huge set of built in commands, but you can easily extend it by using your own commands file too!

Quix Funkcje

tick-square All in one
tick-square Customizing
tick-square Configurable
tick-square Quick search

Najlepsze alternatywy dla Quix

Podziel się swoją opinią na temat oprogramowania, napisz recenzję i pomóż jeszcze bardziej je ulepszyć!

Quix Tagi

extensible-bookmarklet bookmark-tweaking bookmark-customization quick-access keystroke-launcher customize bookmark-manager bookmarklet access-point quick-launch keyboard-shortcuts command-line

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