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Oto lista 13 bezpłatnych i płatnych alternatyw dla Inveezy.com. Główni konkurenci obejmują SSuite Invoice Master, Tinyinvoice. Oprócz tego, użytkownicy porównują także Inveezy.com z Invoice At Once, Express Invoice, Invoice2go. Ponadto można spojrzeć na inne podobne opcje tutaj: Narzędzia biznesowe i handlowe.

Bardzo proste fakturowanie. Utwórz fakturę i wydrukuj ją.

Express Invoice to oprogramowanie do fakturowania do zarządzania fakturowaniem, fakturowaniem, ofertami, zamówieniami i ...

W pełni funkcjonalne, fakturowane i wycenione rozwiązanie z pełną obsługą mobilną.

Angular Invoicing
Free Open Source

Użyj tego wyjątkowo małego i lekkiego projektu wbudowanego w Angular JS, aby zbudować swoje jednorazowe faktury.

Oszczędzaj czas dzięki najlepszemu darmowemu oprogramowaniu do faktur online.

Szybko twórz faktury, śledź płatności, wysyłaj przypomnienia.

Inveezy is a free invoicing website with no login.

Inveezy.com Platformy

tick-square Web-Based

Inveezy.com Wideo i zrzuty ekranu

Inveezy.com Przegląd

Inveezy is a free invoicing tool for small business owners, especially freelancers on the go. It requires no login and no sign up. It is 100% free to send invoices with. It is the easiest and most comfortable invoicing experience out there.

Can I get PDFs of each sent invoice or download all my sent invoices?
As soon as you send an invoice with Inveezy we e-mail a PDF of that invoice to you and to the recipient. In that same e-mail there is a link to have all your invoices e-mailed to you in one zip file.

Can anyone see my invoice since there is no login on Inveezy.com?
Nie! We have encrypted each invoice link with a random hash identifier so that only you can see it. However, if you forward one of your invoices on, then the person receiving the link to that particular invoice will be able to see it. This is one of the advantages of Inveezy.com - it allows you to share invoices with a simple link.

How do you make an income from Inveezy.com?
We have a revenue share agreement with PayPal and make 7% of the 2.9% PayPal charges for using their service. We make 1% on top of each invoice paid with credit card.

Can I change the Inveezy logo to my own?
Tak! Just click it and upload your own.

Is there a limit to how many invoices or clients I can send to?
Absolutnie nie! You can send an unlimited number of invoices to a unlimited number of clients.

Is Inveezy.com secure?
Tak. We have SSL installed on Inveezy.com with 2048 bit encryption. This means all the data travelling to and from Inveezy.com is encrypted - secured. We also implement further encryption measures such as hashing all our PDFs and Invoices.

Inveezy.com Funkcje

tick-square Web-Based
tick-square No registration required

Najlepsze alternatywy dla Inveezy.com

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Inveezy.com Kategorie

Narzędzia biznesowe i handlowe

Inveezy.com Tagi

invoicing-software invoice-template invoicing-for-freelancers invoicing-for-small-business invoice-generator invoice-creator invoicing

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