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Oto lista 186 bezpłatnych i płatnych alternatyw dla AmigaOS. Główni konkurenci obejmują Ubuntu, Windows 7. Oprócz tego, użytkownicy porównują także AmigaOS z Debian, Linux Mint, Arch Linux. Ponadto można spojrzeć na inne podobne opcje tutaj: Systemy operacyjne i narzędzia.

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Ubuntu to oparty na Debianie system operacyjny Linux typu open source dla komputerów stacjonarnych.

5,0 out of 5

Windows 7 jest następcą systemu Windows Vista

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Uniwersalny system operacyjny

Linux Mint
Free Open Source

Linux Mint to jedna z najpopularniejszych dystrybucji Linuksa na komputery stacjonarne i używana przez miliony ludzi. Celem Linux Mint jest stworzenie nowoczesnego, eleganckiego i wygodnego systemu operacyjnego, który jest jednocześnie wydajny i łat…

Arch Linux
Free Open Source

Arch Linux to niezależnie opracowana, zoptymalizowana dla i686 i x86_64 dystrybucja Linuksa skierowana do ...

macOS to system operacyjny oparty na Uniksie, zaprojektowany do działania na komputerach Mac.

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Projekt Fedora to otwarty projekt zaprojektowany przez ...

elementary OS
Free Open Source

Darmowy, szybki i estetyczny system operacyjny oparty na Ubuntu

Windows 10
One Time License Free

Windows 10 to system operacyjny komputera osobistego wydany przez Microsoft jako część systemu Windows NT ...

Free Open Source

jest dystrybucją Linuksa sponsorowaną przez SUSE Linux GmbH i inne firmy.

AmigaOS 4 is a line of Amiga operating systems which runs on PowerPC microprocessors.

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AmigaOS Przegląd

AmigaOS is the proprietary native operating system of the Amiga and AmigaOne personal computers, introduced with the launch of the first Amiga, the Amiga 1000, in 1985.

The most recent release is AmigaOS 4.1, developed by Hyperion Entertainment, which received in 2009 by Amiga Inc. an exclusive, perpetual, worldwide license to AmigaOS 3.1 in order to develop and market AmigaOS 4 and subsequent versions.

AmigaOS is a single-user operating system based on a preemptive multitasking kernel, called Exec. It includes an abstraction of the Amiga's hardware, a disk operating system called AmigaDOS, a windowing system API called Intuition and a desktop file manager called Workbench.
A command-line interface, called AmigaShell, is also integrated into the system, though it also is entirely window based. The CLI and Workbench components share the same privileges. Notably, AmigaOS lacks any built-in memory protection.

AmigaOS is formed from two parts: a firmware component called Kickstart and a software portion usually referred to as Workbench. Up until AmigaOS 3.1, matching versions of Kickstart and Workbench were typically released together. However, since AmigaOS 3.5, the first release after Commodore's demise, only the software component has been updated and the role of Kickstart has been diminished somewhat. Firmware updates may still be applied by patching at system boot.

In 2006 AmigaOS 4.0 was rewritten to become fully PowerPC compatible.

The screens became draggable in any direction, drag and drop of Workbench icons between different screens was possible, new version of Amidock, TrueType/OpenType fonts and movie player with DivX and MPEG-4 support were added.

In AmigaOS 4.1, a new Start-up preferences feature was added which replaced WBStartup drawer. Additional enhancements were a new icon set to complement higher screen resolutions, new window themes including drop shadows, AmiDock with true transparency, scalable icons and AmigaOS with auto-update feature.

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amiga-ng powerpc amiga operating-system

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