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Abbiamo compilato una lista di 43 alternative gratuite e a pagamento a OpenWater. I principali concorrenti includono Vimeo, Arena. Inoltre, gli utenti fanno anche confronti tra OpenWater e Eventdrive, Wonder, Pigeonhole Live. Puoi anche dare un'occhiata ad altre opzioni simili qui: About.

Free Free Trial Subscription

Vimeo can help with video collaboration, video distribution and video everything else.

Free Trial One Time License

Arena è una GUI (Graphical User Interface) disponibile GRATUITAMENTE per i programmi di scacchi (motori) di Martin ...

Free Trial Subscription

Un software realizzato da progettisti di eventi per progettisti di eventi

Il tuo assistente di ricerca personale. Fai una domanda a Wonder e vai avanti con la tua giornata

Pigeonhole Live
Free One Time License Subscription

Strumento di coinvolgimento del pubblico per domande e risposte, sondaggi e sondaggi in crowdsourcing.


WizeHive semplifica la configurazione e l'implementazione di soluzioni basate su cloud per gli uomini d'affari ...

Free Trial Subscription

WorkCast Corporation è il più grande fornitore europeo di webinar, webcasting e ...

Free Free Trial Subscription

Woobox ti aiuta a creare facilmente concorsi, concorsi a premi, coupon e molto altro per far crescere i tuoi fan ...

Free Free Trial Subscription

Il modo semplice e veloce per attirare nuovi clienti con campagne virali

Free Free Trial Subscription

suite di marketing all-in-one che consente agli utenti di generare e coltivare lead

OpenWater è una piattaforma software che ti aiuta a far crescere premi, borse di studio, borse di studio e molto altro!

OpenWater Piattaforme

tick-square Web-Based

OpenWater Panoramica

OpenWater è un'applicazione online e una piattaforma software di revisione. Usalo per far crescere il tuo premio, borsa di studio, borsa di studio, conferenza o altro programma competitivo.

OpenWater Caratteristiche

tick-square Workflow Management
tick-square White Label
tick-square Third Party Integrations
tick-square Social Media Integration
tick-square Reviewer Management
tick-square Recording
tick-square Recommendations
tick-square Payment Tracking
tick-square Interview Management
tick-square Grant Management
tick-square Grant Award Tracking
tick-square Grant Application Management
tick-square Fraud Detection
tick-square For Grantmakers
tick-square Financial Reporting
tick-square Event Management
tick-square Entry Fee Processing
tick-square Email Reminders
tick-square Email Marketing
tick-square Data Import/Export
tick-square Customizable Branding
tick-square Conferencing
tick-square Categorization/Grouping
tick-square Budget Control
tick-square Badge Management
tick-square Attendance Management
tick-square Applicant Portal
tick-square Impact Measurement
tick-square Skills Contests (Photo, Essay, Design, etc)
tick-square Scoring
tick-square Judging Management
tick-square Entry Management
tick-square Entrant Management
tick-square Blind Judging
tick-square Awards Management
tick-square Visitor Registration
tick-square Virtual Lobby
tick-square Live Streaming
tick-square Attendee Management
tick-square Registration Management
tick-square Online Registration
tick-square Event Tracking
tick-square Survey/Poll Management
tick-square Presentation Streaming
tick-square Event Calendar
tick-square Promotions Management
tick-square SSL Security
tick-square Website Management
tick-square Social Promotion
tick-square Event Scheduling
tick-square Configurable Workflow
tick-square Real-Time Chat
tick-square Polls/Voting
tick-square Communication Management
tick-square Document Review
tick-square Application Management
tick-square Engagement Tracking
tick-square Customizable Questions
tick-square Single Sign On
tick-square Email Templates
tick-square Customizable Templates
tick-square Labeling
tick-square Electronic Submission
tick-square Forms Management
tick-square Customizable Forms
tick-square Commenting/Notes
tick-square Role-Based Permissions
tick-square Reminders
tick-square Deadline Management
tick-square Customizable Fields
tick-square Collaboration Tools
tick-square Status Tracking
tick-square Search/Filter
tick-square Progress Tracking
tick-square Monitoring
tick-square Due Date Tracking
tick-square Document Management
tick-square Customizable Reports
tick-square Approval Process Control
tick-square Activity Dashboard
tick-square Reporting & Statistics
tick-square Electronic Payments
tick-square Contact Management
tick-square Compliance Management
tick-square Alerts/Notifications
tick-square Activity Tracking
tick-square Access Controls/Permissions
tick-square Reporting/Analytics
tick-square Video Conferencing
tick-square Administrative Reporting
tick-square Web Forms
tick-square Applicant Tracking
tick-square CRM
tick-square Gamification
tick-square API

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