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Nous avons compilé une liste de 14 alternatives gratuites et payantes à Super Simple Auto Refresh. Les principaux concurrents incluent Page Refresh, Auto Refresh Plus. En plus de cela, les utilisateurs établissent également des comparaisons entre Super Simple Auto Refresh et ChromeReloadPlus, Tab Auto Reload by Schuzak, Super Auto Refresh. Vous pouvez également consulter d'autres choix similaires ici : About.

Actualiser automatiquement (recharger) les pages, si elles sont inactives, selon un intervalle sélectionné.

Super Auto Refresh vous permet de définir l'intervalle de rechargement en fonction de vos besoins.

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Super Simple Auto Refresh Description

Simplest way to automatically reload and refresh webpages with custom time interval in just one-click
Often need to auto refresh or auto reload web page to look for update? Tired of clicking the F5 button to auto reload or auto refresh a web page?
Let Super Simple Auto Refresh do the dirty work. Finally an extension that is super simple to use and super easy to setup for you to auto refresh and auto reload a website!
With Super Simple Auto Refresh, you just need to pick an auto refresh or auto reload time interval to start auto refresh the website, you can also define a customized auto refresh and auto reload time interval too!

Super Simple Auto Refresh additional features:
- Super Simple Auto Refresh has option to enabled auto refresh in hard reload (Ctrl + F5) way to avoid local cache
- Super Simple Auto Refresh tracks all your auto refresh and auto reload website and countdown progress in Dashboard
- Super Simple Auto Refresh has real time icon update for countdown timer for auto refresh process
- Super Simple Auto Refresh syncs all your settings and auto refresh and auto reload page across all your devices

Super Simple Auto Refresh is a simple Chrome extension that auto refresh and auto reload a web page automatically on a given time interval. There are lots of extensions do the same thing but Super Simple Auto Refresh is the most straight forward and easiest to use for auto refresh and auto reload while still allowing user for customization! You can have separate auto refresh or auto reload timers running for all of your tabs to auto reload and auto refresh.

Set your auto reload and auto refresh time by clicking the auto refresh icon in Chrome toolbar, setting the auto refresh and auto reload minutes and seconds, and hitting start. You can stop the auto refresh and auto refresh timer at anytime by hitting the stop button.

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