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Nous avons compilé une liste de 21 alternatives gratuites et payantes à Reasy. Les principaux concurrents incluent Spreed, Spritz. En plus de cela, les utilisateurs établissent également des comparaisons entre Reasy et Reedy, Speed Reader, Dictator. Vous pouvez également consulter d'autres choix similaires ici : About.

Spreed facilite la lecture rapide du contenu textuel en ligne.

Reedy - application de lecture rapide Lisez tout ce que vous voulez plus rapidement avec Reedy pour Google Chrome ou Android

Speed ​​Reader utilise une méthode appelée Rapid Serial Visual Presentation pour vous permettre de lire plus rapidement en ...

Free Open Source

Dictator is a program for on-screen reading of text files, developed with the intention of making...

iReadfast est un programme de lecture de texte qui vous permet de lire et de comprendre le texte beaucoup plus rapidement en ...

La lecture rapide est facile, entraînez-vous à lire plus de 1800 mots à la minute.

Spreeder.com est un logiciel de lecture de vitesse en ligne gratuit conçu pour améliorer votre vitesse de lecture et ...

Android Spritz-like app for speed reading. Very flexible in configuration with unique features.

7 Speed Reading is an application that will teach you to speed read while maintaing comprehension.

A Firefox and Google Chrome extension that enables to read using Rapid Sequential Visual...

Reasy Plates-formes

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Reasy Description

Reasy is a Firefox and Google Chrome extension that enables to read using Rapid Sequential Visual Presentation (RSVP).

Why do I want this Extension?

The intention of Reasy is to make reading the web really easy.
The Firefox extension will make a pop up for any text you select in Firefox and play it to you using Rapid Sequential Visual Presentation (RSVP).

Why is doing it this way a Good Idea?

There exists a similar extension named RSVP Reader, I had qualms about the UI and presentation, and so in the spirirt of open source development, made my own version, which I think is a big enough departure to at least be worth offering anybody the choice of one or the other.
It is quite influenced by the more fully featured standalone app Really Easy Reader. There is a very good explanation of the benefits of reading this way at the product website.

Comment puis-je l'utiliser?

Watch the quick video opposite for a short explanation of the features of Reasy and how to get the best out of the extension.
There has recently been an excellent short tutorial describing both versions of Reasy published at I Love Free Software

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Reasy Mots clés

speed-reading rsvp Abandonné

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