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Nous avons compilé une liste de 4 alternatives gratuites et payantes à QBlade. Les principaux concurrents incluent javafoil, XFOIL. En plus de cela, les utilisateurs établissent également des comparaisons entre QBlade et xflr5, Profili 2. Vous pouvez également consulter d'autres choix similaires ici : About.

Free Open Source

JavaFoil est une nouvelle implémentation de mon précédent programme CalcFoil.

Free Open Source

XFOIL est un programme interactif de conception et d'analyse de profils aérodynamiques isolés subsoniques.

Free Open Source

XFLR5 est un outil d'analyse des profils, ailes et ailes fonctionnant à faible nombre de Reynolds.

Profili is a software developed to help the 'do it yourself' modelers.

QBlade is an open source wind turbine calculation software, which integrates XFOIL/XFLR5...

QBlade Plates-formes

tick-square Windows

QBlade Vidéo et captures d'écran

QBlade Description

QBlade is an open source wind turbine calculation software, distributed under the GPL.

The integration of the XFOIL/XFLR5 functionality allows the user to rapidly design custom airfoils and compute their performance polars and directly integrate them into a wind turbine rotor design and simulation.

The software is especially adequate for teaching, as it provides a 'hands on' design and simulation capabilities for HAWT and VAWT rotor design and shows all the fundamental relationships of design concepts and turbine performance in an easy and intuitive way.

QBlade also includes extensive post processing functionality for the rotor and turbine simulations and gives deep insight into all relevant blade and rotor variables. In addition to that, the resulting software is a very flexible and user-friendly platform for wind turbine blade design.

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QBlade Mots clés

airfoils airfoil

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