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Nous avons compilé une liste de 5 alternatives gratuites et payantes à AppMigrate. Les principaux concurrents incluent PCmover, EaseUS Todo PCTrans. En plus de cela, les utilisateurs établissent également des comparaisons entre AppMigrate et Profile Migrator, User State Migration Tool, Zinstall XP7. Vous pouvez également consulter d'autres choix similaires ici : About.

One Time License Free Trial

Laplink PCmover est un logiciel de migration pour Windows.

Todo PCTrans Free can freely migrate files from PC to another, its Pro Version supports to transfer...

Profile Migrator prend en charge la migration des profils utilisateur sur les clients, les serveurs et les ...

Microsoft User State Migration Tool est un outil de ligne de commande scriptable pour les professionnels de l'informatique qui ...

Zinstall XP7 migre un système Windows complet, y compris des fichiers, des paramètres et des applications, vers ...

AppMigrate is a tiny Windows program that helps you migrate your application settings from one...

AppMigrate Plates-formes

tick-square Windows

AppMigrate Description

AppMigrate is a tiny Windows program that helps you migrate your application settings from one computer to another, in a fully automated way.

AppMigrate makes a list of all the applications currently installed on your computer, and offers to export their settings. No matter where your app settings are located (registry, AppData folder, ini files...) AppMigrate will find them, pack them up, and store them on the location of your choice. Restoring the settings on the destination computer couldn't be easier: either double-click a settings package to automatically import it in the system, or open AppMigrate and select multiple packages to import all at once.

AppMigrate was developed with a simple purpose in mind: simplifying workstation transitions. Let's take a simple example. You have worked on a computer for years and have got used to your working environment, your Google Chrome bookmarks, your VLC media player settings, your Visual Studio environment parameters, and so on. What happens when you buy a new computer? You would normally spend hours reconfiguring all your applications from scratch, or using the "import/export settings" functionality from all your applications individually. Thankfully, you no longer have to do this. Just download AppMigrate, select the applications you want to export settings for, import the setting packages into your new computer, and you're done! It's really as simple and effortless as that.

AppMigrate is a free, open-source, open database application.
Due to the way AppMigrate functions, an application database (also known as catalog) is required to indicate where each setting is located. AppMigrate's application catalog is community-powered. If one of the applications installed on your computer isn't supported, feel free to contribute by submitting information on how to back up settings on that application. The more contributions, the better AppMigrate gets!

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AppMigrate Mots clés

migrate-windows settings Abandonné

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