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Nós compilamos uma lista de 16 alternativas gratuitas e pagas para o Os principais concorrentes incluem:, Além disso, os usuários também fazem comparações entre e Linkbucks,, HIVE URL Shortener. Além disso, você pode conferir outras opções semelhantes aqui: Software de Áudio e Música.

Ganhe dinheiro para cada visitante nos seus links abreviados com!

Maneira inteligente e fácil de obter renda extra do seu tráfego.

Ganhe dinheiro com cada visitante, usando o serviço AdsBix URL Shortener, pagamento diário, min 1 $

Ferramentas inteligentes de marketing e publicidade para a indústria da música, links inteligentes para a música.

Free Open Source

O moderno URL Shortener, sensível à privacidade, construído em PHP e no framework Laravel. Código aberto. gives artists a beautiful new way to promote their work online, while also giving Internet... Plataformas

tick-square Web-Based Vídeo e capturas de tela Visão geral

Do you like money? Claro. Do you like ads? Claro que não. Perfeito! That means Tize is for you. Tize is a link shortening website, like, which lets you monetize your links and advertise on other people's links.

Think of it like an ecosystem. On one side, there are people who want to earn money from their online content, and on the other side, there are people who want to advertise and promote their online content. With Tize, both sides can get what they want, and help each other out.

If you want to make money with Tize, then you can paste your links into our link shortener, and generate monetized links (links with advertising on them). By sharing the links with your followers, you give Tize advertisers an audience to promote their content to, and in return, they pay you for every view you get them.

If you want to advertise and promote your online content, then you can create ads for your content with our ad builder, and pay for the amount of views you want to receive on your ad. Other Tize users will help you get views by sharing their Tize links, and you'll pay them for every view they get you (up to the amount you set).

Our ads are unlike any other ads you've encountered before on the Internet. For one, Tize ads can be only created for content that people actually want to see, such as music, videos, or apparel. Second, we give you the entire web-page to advertise on, and we give you full creative control over it. You can add high quality images, gifs, and adjust everything to your liking.

Our CTR is 14%, which is much higher than any other advertising platform (FB's CTR is 0.9%)! That's because our ads don't even look like ads, so people aren't afraid to click on them.

If you, the lovely person who's reading this, want to start making money shortening links, or you want to promote your content with Tize ads, sign up, and get to it! Recursos

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