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Nós compilamos uma lista de 4 alternativas gratuitas e pagas para o Progressive Goals. Os principais concorrentes incluem: Lifetick, Personal Goals Manager. Além disso, os usuários também fazem comparações entre Progressive Goals e Time Planner, 42goals. Além disso, você pode conferir outras opções semelhantes aqui: Software de Escritório e Produtividade.

O Lifetick é um aplicativo on-line de definição de objetivos, com uma interface elegante e fácil de usar.

O Personal Goals Manager é a extensão Joomla CMS que ajuda a rastrear seus objetivos, planos e hábitos.

O 42goals é uma ferramenta simples para rastrear suas metas diárias e manter um registro de suas atividades diárias.

Goal Planning app on Windows and Android

Progressive Goals Plataformas

tick-square Android
tick-square Windows

Progressive Goals Vídeo e capturas de tela

Progressive Goals Visão geral

Having clearly defined goals and always making progress towards their realization is the key to succeed in life. Progressive Goals helps you do just that: define clear goals in a SMART way and keep track of your progress through tables, graphs and other cool visual elements while keeping you motivated through legendary quotes and notifications.

This app is different from all other productivity apps in the way that it is 100% personalized. There are no predefined limitations: you are unique and you must create your own custom goals, tracking items, deadlines, areas of life that want to improve. Progressive Goals provides a centralized place for all your goals (that can be anything from hitting fitness PRs to mediations habits), grouped by the areas you define (Fitness, Money, Relationships, Spirituality), and you can access them from any mobile or desktop device since the data is safely stored in the cloud using Microsoft authentication.

Sharing the progress and goal achievements is also provided, and it can be done through any installed app that supports sharing: social media apps, mail, OneNote, etc.

Progressive Goals Recursos

tick-square Goal setting
tick-square Goal Tracking

Principais alternativas ao Progressive Goals

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Progressive Goals Categorias

Software de Escritório e Produtividade

Progressive Goals Etiquetas

smart-goals goals

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