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Abbiamo compilato una lista di 109 alternative gratuite e a pagamento a ProcessMaker. I principali concorrenti includono Microsoft Office Visio, LibreOffice - Draw. Inoltre, gli utenti fanno anche confronti tra ProcessMaker e Creately, MindMeister, PlantUML. Puoi anche dare un'occhiata ad altre opzioni simili qui: Strumenti per il business e il commercio.

LibreOffice - Draw
Free Open Source

Disegna ti consente di produrre qualsiasi cosa, da uno schizzo rapido a un piano complesso, e ti dà i mezzi per ...

Free Subscription

Il vostro hub per la collaborazione visiva e la creazione di diagrammi. Promuove la coerenza e la collaborazione a livello aziendale. Offre un'infinità di lavagne bianche, diagrammi robusti e compatibilità con gli strumenti preferiti.

MindMeister è il leader di mercato nella mappatura mentale online.

Free Open Source

PlantUML è uno strumento open source che utilizza semplici descrizioni testuali per disegnare diagrammi UML.

TheBrain ti aiuta a organizzare tutte le tue pagine Web, contatti, documenti, e-mail e file in un ...

Free Free Trial Subscription

Semplifica la creazione di diagrammi online grazie all'ampia libreria di modelli e all'interfaccia intuitiva. Per processi complessi, strutture organizzative, mappe mentali e diagrammi di flusso, favorisce la collaborazione e la produttività.

Un'app Web semplificata che ti aiuta a creare e collaborare in tempo reale su wireframe, modelli ...

ConceptDraw PRO v11 è l'unico prodotto che supporta l'eredità di Visio, funziona su macOS e Windows e ...

Free Trial Subscription

Semplifica la creazione di diagrammi di flusso e mappe di processo con modelli e simboli intuitivi. Integrazione perfetta con MS Office, GSuite e altri strumenti per una collaborazione efficiente. Importazione ed esportazione di file Visio.

ProcessMaker is a cost effective and easy to use open source business process management (BPM) or...

ProcessMaker Piattaforme

tick-square Web-Based
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tick-square Android
tick-square iPhone

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ProcessMaker Panoramica

ProcessMaker is a cost effective and easy to use open source business process management (BPM) or workflow software application. Workflow software such as ProcessMaker can assist organizations of any size with designing, automating and deploying business processes or workflows of various kinds.

ProcessMaker workflow software features an extensive toolbox which provides the ability to easily create digital forms and map out fully functioning workflows. The software is completely web based and accessed via any web browser, making it simple to manage and coordinate workflows throughout an entire organization - including user groups and departments. ProcessMaker workflow software can also interact with other applications and systems such as ERP, business intelligence, CRM and document management.

Subject matter experts and business analysts choose ProcessMaker as their workflow software solution because they can accomplish more and communicate with their technical teams more efficiently. System administrators select ProcessMaker as a workflow software solution because they don't have to spend a lot of time programming, thanks to its intuitive point and click interface and end users prefer ProcessMaker because it is so easy to use.

ProcessMaker is extremely efficient, lightweight and has one of the lowest overheads of any workflow software in the industry. With the additional benefit of it being open source, ProcessMaker Enterprise clients can take advantage of a fully supported, high quality BPM suite. Customers on 5 continents, through 17 different languages and across a variety of industries including manufacturing, telecommunications, finance and government, healthcare and education are using ProcessMaker workflow software.

ProcessMaker Caratteristiche

tick-square Workflow Designer
tick-square Built-in Workflow Management
tick-square Incident management
tick-square Workflow
tick-square Workflow Automation

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process-management business-and-commerce

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