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Abbiamo compilato una lista di 3 alternative gratuite e a pagamento a EyeSavior. I principali concorrenti includono Eye Saver, Win10_BrightnessSlider. Inoltre, gli utenti fanno anche confronti tra EyeSavior e Lux Auto Brightness. Puoi anche dare un'occhiata ad altre opzioni simili qui: Sistemi operativi e utilità.

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questa app mette un'icona Luminosità monitor su nel vassoio della barra delle applicazioni. Quindi puoi accedervi con 1 clic.

Adjust monitor brightness from Windows desktop manually or automatically according to the ambient...

EyeSavior Piattaforme

tick-square Windows

EyeSavior Video e screenshot

EyeSavior Panoramica

EyeSavior is Windows utility that allows changing monitor brightness from desktop. You can change monitor brightness manually or if you have hardware light sensor monitor brightness will be changed automatically according to your settings. Application can change one or more monitors and it is possible to even tweak monitor brightness for each monitor separately, which is useful if you have different models of monitors or different lighting conditions.

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Sistemi operativi e utilità

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auto-brightness system-utilities

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