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Nous avons compilé une liste de 64 alternatives gratuites et payantes à Weather Pod. Les principaux concurrents incluent The Weather Channel, AccuWeather. En plus de cela, les utilisateurs établissent également des comparaisons entre Weather Pod et 1Weather, Weather Underground, Yahoo! Weather. Vous pouvez également consulter d'autres choix similaires ici : Services en ligne.

The Weather Channel vous donne des mises à jour météorologiques avec des cartes en plein écran, des prévisions, des alertes pour les conditions extrêmes

AccuWeather est une application qui fournit des prévisions météorologiques à l'heure, aux jours et à 15 jours, que vous pouvez ...

Une belle interface conçue pour une application météo.

Weather Underground s'engage à fournir les informations météorologiques les plus fiables possibles.

Today Weather est une application météo magnifique et simple à utiliser qui fournit les ...

Open Source

Une des meilleures applications météo professionnelles.

Prévisions météorologiques élégantes en visualisant la température et les précipitations à l'heure.

Discover your weather in a unique and beautiful way with Weather Pod for iPhone.

Weather Pod Plates-formes

tick-square iPhone

Weather Pod Vidéo et captures d'écran

Weather Pod Description

Discover your weather in a unique and beautiful way with Weather Pod for iPhone.

Weather Pod is packed full of (frequently updated) weather data based on your current location. Les fonctionnalités incluent:

- A uniquely designed interface, with the option to show/hide your current weather conditions via touching the weather display icon.
- Using swipe gestures, you have the ability to view the 3 day weather forecast for your location (via swiping left), and a selection of weather related statistics for your location (sunset & sunrise times, current moon phase & the historical average temperature for the current day.) via swiping to the right.
- The ability to receive severe weather alerts near to your area. Alerts are present when the warning symbol (located at the top-left position of the screen) is flashing. Touching this symbol will reveal details about the alert. *
- An option to show the chance (percentage) that it will rain, sleet or snow in your current area.
- The option to change the general temperature display from fahrenheit to celsius & vice versa simply by swiping down for celsius & up for fahrenheit.
- A satellite/radar map that shows current cloud cover & rain or snow in your area.

When getting your weather data, Weather Pod uses your exact location - making use of the location abilities of your iPhone or iPod. To refresh your location & weather data, simply touch the blue location button at the top-right of the screen.

In addition to the main features, Weather Pod cleverly recognises your current weather conditions and displays an appropriate motion background to magically reflect what the weather is doing.

Weather Pod takes the weather app theme to the next level. Prepare to experience weather viewing like never before as you experience a magical blend of simplicity and intelligence with the unique aura that this app has to offer.

* The weather alert feature is currently fully supported in the USA, Canada & UK.

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