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Nous avons compilé une liste de 9 alternatives gratuites et payantes à Tagstoo. Les principaux concurrents incluent XnView, XnView MP. En plus de cela, les utilisateurs établissent également des comparaisons entre Tagstoo et TagSpaces, Tabbles, TaggedFrog. Vous pouvez également consulter d'autres choix similaires ici : Outils de gestion de fichiers.

XnView est un utilitaire permettant de visualiser et de convertir des fichiers graphiques.

XnViewMP est un logiciel gratuit pour afficher, organiser, convertir des fichiers graphiques et photo ou pour créer des diapositives.

Open Source

TagSpaces est un gestionnaire de documents en mode déconnecté, open source, prenant en charge le marquage.

Marquez les fichiers avec vos pairs pour les organiser et les trouver.

Basé sur la technique pratique du glisser-déposer, TaggedFrog vous permet d'organiser vos fichiers ...

La version gratuite permet jusqu'à 30 tags.

Un logiciel multi-plateforme pour utiliser des balises dans les noms de fichiers.

Keepmark vous permet d'organiser vos fichiers, documents, courriels, signets, tâches et en général -...

Software to tag folders and files, with multimedia and epubs preview.

Tagstoo Plates-formes

tick-square Windows
tick-square Linux
tick-square Mac

Tagstoo Vidéo et captures d'écran

Tagstoo Description

Tag folders and files (including multimedia) by dragging the tags on them, you can create tags of various shapes and colors for a more intuitive classification.

Precise search possibilities, with various input fields, allowing to add all the necessary tags that you want. For example, in one field you can add the tags cat and white and in another field you can add the tags dog and brown, so the search result will return all white cats and brown dogs. Another more abstract example to show the available searches can be: Searh under folders that have (tag50) or (tag51 + tag52) files that have (tag1 + tag2 + tag7 + tag8) or (tag1 + tag2 + tag6 + tag9) but don't have (tag10) and (tag11).

Multimedia files preview in both explorer and searcher results cards. The cover images of epubs also are shown.

For images both system's default image viewer and program's new internal viewer can be launched alternatively.

Usual file management actions by dragging and dropping or pressing buttons; copy, move, delete, rename. And undo button.

It's possible to export/import the tagging data to a file, so data is available in any computer.


- Tag Folders and files easily by dragging and dropping tags created from a variety of shapes.
- No installation required. Compatible with Windows, Linux and Mac OS.
- Export/import data to a file.
- Possible to build up very specific searches.
- Various Viewmodes; from lists to cards of different sizes to preview folders and files.
- Multimedia file preview in explorer/searcher. Also Epubs.
- Integrated image viewer that can be launched alternatively to the system's default viewer.
- Tags positions are interchangeable.
- If you want a less jazzy interface you have the option to choose a 'grayscale' mode.

Tagstoo Fonctionnalités

tick-square File Tagging
tick-square Task Management
tick-square Portable

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Tagstoo Mots clés

tagvideos tagpicures tagfoldersinwindows tagfolders tagfiles tagepubs tag-folders-mac tag-folders-linux tag-folders tag-files searchbytags previewvideos previewepubs multimedia-preview labelfolders gallery-manager epublibrary

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