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Nous avons compilé une liste de 28 alternatives gratuites et payantes à Sound Studio. Les principaux concurrents incluent Nero WaveEditor, WaveShop. En plus de cela, les utilisateurs établissent également des comparaisons entre Sound Studio et Free Audio Editor, Amadeus Pro, WaveMax Sound Editor. Vous pouvez également consulter d'autres choix similaires ici : Logiciels audio et musique.

Nero WaveEditor vous permet d'enregistrer des morceaux de musique et de modifier les fichiers audio correspondants, par exemple.

Free Open Source

Éditeur audio open source

Amadeus Pro est un éditeur audio multipiste puissant compatible avec de nombreux formats, notamment MP3 ...

TunesKit Audio Capture for Mac est un puissant outil d'enregistrement audio pour capturer et éditer n'importe quel son ...

Podium est une station de travail audio numérique moderne pour Windows.

L'éditeur audio complet qui permet d'enregistrer, de lire, de traiter et d'analyser des enregistrements vocaux, musicaux et autres enregistrements sonores.

TwistedWave est un éditeur audio très facile à utiliser et puissant.


Record, edit, and produce your audio with Sound Studio, an easy-to-use Mac app for recording and...

Sound Studio Plates-formes

tick-square Mac

Sound Studio Vidéo et captures d'écran

Sound Studio Description

Record, edit, and produce your audio with Sound Studio, an easy-to-use Mac app for recording and editing digital audio on your computer. Digitize tapes and vinyl records, record live performances, create your own mixes with crossfades, tweak the levels and EQ, apply digital effects and save in all major file formats with Sound Studio!

The Mac's most popular audio program for many years, Sound Studio continues to be regularly updated to add new features and to take advantage of the very latest Apple technologies.

With Sound Studio you can record professional sounding Podcasts and other audio dialog. Spoken word, speeches, presentations, music, and other audio can all be recorded and edited with the same high fidelity.

You can save in the following standard file formats:
• Ogg Vorbis
• tab-delimited text
• NeXT/Sun
• Apple Lossless

You can apply the following effects and filters:
• Amplify/Volume
• Fade In, Fade Out, and Fade Special (with an envelope)
• Normalize
• Dynamics Compressor
• Dynamics Expander
• Noise Gate Expander
• Add Noise (or cowbell)
• DC Offset
• Interpolate
• Invert Signal Polarity
• Swap Left and Right Channels
• Backwards/Reverse Audio
• Chorus
• Delay and Echo
• Flanger
• Pitch and Tempo
• Reverb
• 3-band, 10-band, and chart-based Graphic EQ
• High Pass
• Low Pass

Spécifications techniques
+ Audio recording and playback on 2 channels and multiple tracks.
+ Number of tracks limited only by processor and memory constraints.
+ AudioUnit plug-in hosting.
+ Uses 32-bit floating point PCM format internally.
+ Markers: automatically generate markers in silent gaps or in a grid.
+ Split by Markers: lets you split a long file into separate tracks.
+ Has FM synthesis, sine, triangle, square wave, and noise generators.
+ Snap to Zero Crossings.
+ Preserves BWF (Broadcast Wave Format) data in .WAV files.
+ Zoom in as close as sample level.
+ AppleScript and Automator support.

Sound Studio Fonctionnalités

tick-square Audio Editing
tick-square Mix Music
tick-square Audio Recording

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Sound Studio Catégories

Logiciels audio et musique

Sound Studio Mots clés


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