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Nous avons compilé une liste de 7 alternatives gratuites et payantes à Lucid Hangout. Les principaux concurrents incluent Lumosity, Brain Workshop. En plus de cela, les utilisateurs établissent également des comparaisons entre Lucid Hangout et IQ Test - How intelligent are you?, Memory Trainer, IQ Test. Vous pouvez également consulter d'autres choix similaires ici : Logiciels sportifs et de santé.

Lumosity.com base tous ses exercices cérébraux dans des recherches approfondies; Conseil consultatif scientifique...

Brain Workshop
Free Open Source

Brain Workshop est une version à source ouverte de l'exercice d'entraînement cérébral double n-back.

Commencez à entraîner votre mémoire spatiale et de travail! Améliorer la concentration et la concentration!

Trouvez votre score de QI avec le test de QI et comparez le score avec vos amis et votre famille.

Lucid Hangout helps you boost your working memory and Fluid Intelligence.

Lucid Hangout Plates-formes

tick-square iPad
tick-square iPhone
tick-square Android

Lucid Hangout Vidéo et captures d'écran

Lucid Hangout Description

Lucid Hangout helps you boost your working memory and Fluid Intelligence (Gf). Gf is the capacity to reason and solve problems. You get real results in your daily life with this app that is proven by medical science. Download the most engaging app of it's kind!

- Boosts your IQ test score so you get smarter with this app which is proven by scientific studies
- Doesn't hurt your sleep because of the color design
- Increases your attention span
- Based on the 'dual N-back' concept which improves your intelligence and memory
- Shows all your scores in a list plus there is a convenient score graph in landscape orientation
- Playable in portrait as well as in landscape orientation
- Unique sound tracks specifically designed and created for this app
- No ads

This is the most engaging brain trainer of it's kind. Safe your time and money from apps that don't deliver. FREE for the first 2 levels. Which will be already beneficial for your IQ test score and intelligence because your focusing and concentration will improve, let alone the higher levels.

Lucid Hangout is available on Google Play:

Meilleures alternatives à Lucid Hangout

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Lucid Hangout Catégories

Logiciels sportifs et de santé

Lucid Hangout Mots clés

brain-teaser brain-training brain-games

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