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Nous avons compilé une liste de 4 alternatives gratuites et payantes à LibraryBox. Les principaux concurrents incluent FreedomBox, BibleBox. En plus de cela, les utilisateurs établissent également des comparaisons entre LibraryBox et ConnectBox, PirateBox. Vous pouvez également consulter d'autres choix similaires ici : Logiciel d'éducation et de référence.

Free Open Source

Le projet FreedomBox est un projet communautaire visant à développer, concevoir et promouvoir des serveurs personnels ...

La BibleBox est un routeur wifi portable qui permet à tous les appareils dotés d'un accès wifi d'accéder à ...

Free Open Source

ConnectBox est un périphérique de partage multimédia basé sur des ordinateurs compacts, y compris le Raspberry ...

Free Open Source

PirateBox est un système de communication et de partage de fichiers hors connexion anonyme et bricolage ...

LibraryBox is an open source, portable digital file distribution tool based on inexpensive hardware...

LibraryBox Plates-formes

tick-square Linux

LibraryBox Description

LibraryBox is a digital distribution tool for education, libraries, healthcare, and emergency response. Anywhere there is a lack of open internet access, LibraryBox can bridge the gap of information delivery.

LibraryBox v2.0 is a combination of a router (a variety of hardware will work), USB drive, and software that, when combined, give you a small, low powered webserver. The webserver acts like a captive portal, and delivers files that are stored on the USB drive.

To use LibraryBox, you simply connect to the wifi SSID "LibraryBox" and launch a browser. Attempting to visit any webpage will push you to the LibraryBox homepage on the device, which has information about the project, and links on the menu for downloads. You can browse the contents of the Shared folder, and download any files you'd like. The device you are using does have to be able to understand the download (for instance, downloading an EPUB ebook to a Kindle won't really work).

LibraryBox Fonctionnalités

tick-square Real time collaboration

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LibraryBox Mots clés

wifi-router-box offline-wifi coordination information-sharing library offline educational

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