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Nous avons compilé une liste de 7 alternatives gratuites et payantes à Dropwizard. Les principaux concurrents incluent CUBA.platform, Spring. En plus de cela, les utilisateurs établissent également des comparaisons entre Dropwizard et Apache Struts, Bootique, OpenXava. Vous pouvez également consulter d'autres choix similaires ici : Outils de développement.

Un framework Java d'entreprise complet avec beaucoup de fonctionnalités prêtes à l'emploi et des outils incroyables pour gérer le projet

Free Open Source

Spring Framework est un framework d'application open source et un conteneur Inversion of Control pour ...

Apache Struts
Free Open Source

Apache Struts est un framework d'applications Web open-source permettant de développer des applications Web Java EE.

Free Open Source

Un framework à opinion minimale pour les applications Java exécutables.

Free Open Source

OpenXava est un framework Web Java pour le développement rapide d'applications d'entreprise.

GWT est une boîte à outils de développement permettant de créer et d’optimiser des applications complexes basées sur un navigateur.

Free Open Source

Un cadre d'objets nus pour le guichet permettant aux développeurs d'écrire moins de code de guichet standard.

Java framework for developing ops-friendly, high-performance, RESTful web services.

Dropwizard Plates-formes

tick-square Windows
tick-square Linux
tick-square Mac

Dropwizard Description

Dropwizard straddles the line between being a library and a framework. Its goal is to provide performant, reliable implementations of everything a production-ready web application needs. Because this functionality is extracted into a reusable library, your application remains lean and focused, reducing both time-to-market and maintenance burdens.

Jetty for HTTP
Because you can't be a web application without HTTP, Dropwizard uses the Jetty HTTP library to embed an incredibly tuned HTTP server directly into your project. Instead of handing your application off to a complicated application server, Dropwizard projects have a main method which spins up an HTTP server. Running your application as a simple process eliminates a number of unsavory aspects of Java in production (no PermGen issues, no application server configuration and maintenance, no arcane deployment tools, no class loader troubles, no hidden application logs, no trying to tune a single garbage collector to work with multiple application workloads) and allows you to use all of the existing Unix process management tools instead.

Jersey for REST
For building RESTful web applications, we've found nothing beats Jersey (the JAX-RS reference implementation) in terms of features or performance. It allows you to write clean, testable classes which gracefully map HTTP requests to simple Java objects. It supports streaming output, matrix URI parameters, conditional GET requests, and much, much more.

Jackson for JSON
In terms of data formats, JSON has become the web's lingua franca, and Jackson is the king of JSON on the JVM. In addition to being lightning fast, it has a sophisticated object mapper, allowing you to export your domain models directly.

Metrics for metrics
The Metrics library rounds things out, providing you with unparalleled insight into your code's behavior in your production environment.

Dropwizard Fonctionnalités

tick-square Web-Based

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Dropwizard Mots clés

web-analytics java-development java-based web-development online-service

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