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Nous avons compilé une liste de 17 alternatives gratuites et payantes à bug.n. Les principaux concurrents incluent VirtuaWin, Cairo Shell. En plus de cela, les utilisateurs établissent également des comparaisons entre bug.n et LiteStep, DeskSpace, Emerge Desktop. Vous pouvez également consulter d'autres choix similaires ici : Solutions de nouvelles et de livres.

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bug.n is a tiling window manager add-on for Microsoft Windows.

bug.n Plates-formes

tick-square Windows

bug.n Description

bug.n is a tiling window manager add-on for Microsoft Windows. It is written in the scripting language AutoHotkey.
What it can do

Provide layouts for resizing and moving windows, utilizing all available screen estate and customizable to your specific needs and workflow
Provide views (ie virtual desktops) for showing only those windows, which you need to do your work.
Dynamically resize and move your windows, applying a specified layout, without you having to care about moving them all by mouse
Increase the available screen estate by hiding and therewith freeing up the space occupied by
the Microsoft Windows Taskbar and
the title bar for every single window
and replacing all with a single slim status bar (-- but bug.n is not a shell replacement)
Show window management information in the status bar:
active window title
active layout
overview of the views used
Show system information in the status bar:
time and date
CPU and memory usage
disk and network load
battery level
Store your settings, ie which windows and layout were set on a specific view
Support multiple monitors

What it enables you to do

You can resize and move windows specified by the active layout and initialized by hotkey.
You can toggle the visibility of the Windows Taskbar.
You can toggle the visibility of the Windows title bar of the active window.
You can change the layout for the tiling window management suitable to your needs.
Tile: Lay out all windows like tiles on a master area, which can be further split up, and a stacking area, where remaining windows can be stacked or shown side by side.
Monocle: All windows are maximized and only one is shown at any time.
Floating: Windows are not dynamically tiled.
You can further customize the layouts for each view.
You can move windows to another view (virtual desktop) by tagging them with a number.
You can share windows between views by tagging them with more than one number.
You can move between views, hiding the windows, you do not want to see, and showing those, you want to see, by pressing a simple hotkey.

Installing and running bug.n

Microsoft Windows 2000 or higher
AutoHotkey (if running bug.n from source as a script)

You may either download the stable version of bug.n from the repository, or download the current development version as the repository itself. Either way, you will have a zip file including an executable (bug.n*.exe), the source (src\*) and documentation (doc\*) files.

There is no installation process for bug.n. Unpack the zip file, and you should be able to run either the executable as it is or the main script (src\Main.ahk) with AutoHotkey.

By default bug.n stores the session data (configuration, layout, window states and log) to the user's APPDATA directory, eg C:\Users\joten\AppData\Roaming\bug.n.

Please see the documentation or the Wiki for more information on installing and running, customizing and using bug.n and for a list of changes made with the current version, in particular the changes in the user interface (configuration variables and hotkeys).

bug.n is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3. Please see the LICENSE file for the full license text.

bug.n and its documentation is written by Joshua Fuhs and joten, but some source was copied from the AutoHotkey forum ( http://www.autohotkey.com/forum ). These are explicitly marked in the source code at the end of the appropriate section. Additionally the following listing summarizes these sources (of ideas or code):

bug.n Fonctionnalités

tick-square Feed Reader
tick-square Portable

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bug.n Mots clés

rdf tiling atom rss window-manager feed-reader

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