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Nous avons compilé une liste de 72 alternatives gratuites et payantes à ActiveDock. Les principaux concurrents incluent RocketDock, Compiz. En plus de cela, les utilisateurs établissent également des comparaisons entre ActiveDock et Spectacle, WinSplit Revolution, ObjectDock. Vous pouvez également consulter d'autres choix similaires ici : Systèmes d'exploitation et utilitaires.

Free Open Source

Compiz is a compositing manager adding fancy effects to your windows, from drop shadows to awesome...

Free Open Source

En utilisant Spectacle, vous pouvez afficher plusieurs documents côte à côte, déplacer des fenêtres vers d'autres écrans ou ...

WinSplit Revolution est un petit utilitaire qui vous permet d'organiser facilement vos fenêtres ouvertes en ...

ObjectDock est un programme qui permet aux utilisateurs d'organiser leurs raccourcis, leurs programmes et leurs tâches en cours d'exécution.

Divvy est une toute nouvelle façon de gérer votre espace de travail.

Free Open Source

Gestion de la taille et de la position de Windows dans OSX.

Free Open Source

AltDrag vous permet de déplacer et de redimensionner des fenêtres beaucoup plus facilement.

Rapidement et facilement la disposition des fenêtres sur une grille dynamique en utilisant simplement la souris.

Sous OS X, le Dock est utilisé comme référentiel pour tout programme ou fichier du système d'exploitation.

Application Launcher, improved Dock for macOS, alternative to Apple Dock, uBar, HyperDock

ActiveDock Plates-formes

tick-square Mac

ActiveDock Vidéo et captures d'écran

ActiveDock Description

ActiveDock - Alternative Dock for macOS, Apple Dock replacement
Customizable Dock for macOS, Application Launcher,Window Manager/Window Switcher, Star Menu for Mac…

Problem: Apple Dock is the command center for your Mac.
With Apple Dock you can run applications, switch between apps, open documents and links.
Unfortunately, Apple Dock lacks many useful features such as managing windows and switching between windows, appearance customizations, hiding app icons.

Solution: ActiveDock is a full replacement for Apple Dock with many new features.
ActiveDock allows grouping of documents and apps, quicker switching between apps and windows, managing windows right from Window Previews panel. Also you can customize the appearance of icons and the dock itself as you need.

* Window Previews and Window Management
With Window Previews feature you can quickly find the window you need, switch between windows or place windows to the front of the screen.

* Customizable Appearance
and Custom Icons for Apps and Folders
With the help of custom themes you can make your Dock unique.
Custom icons for apps not only make your Dock beautiful, but also allow you to find apps you need quickly.

*Groups and Folders
Organize apps and documents into Folders and Groups.
Folder View feature allows you to add to the Dock a stack with the contents of your chosen folder for quick access.
Groups feature allows to create a virtual folder in the Dock or Start Menu with the links to any file you need.
*Start Menu – Application Launcher
Allows you to quickly start apps, open documents and folders.

*Hiding and excluding Applications from the Dock
With ActiveDock you can exclude hidden apps from the Dock,or add some apps to the exclude list to completely hide them from the Dock to avoid any distractions in your work.

ActiveDock Fonctionnalités

tick-square Window docking
tick-square Program Launchers

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ActiveDock Mots clés

dockbar dock-utility customize-icons app-switcher switcher launchers resize-windows window-organizer dock window-resizer quick-launch launcher window-manager alternatives app-launcher mac-apps

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