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Hemos compilado una lista de 20 alternativas gratuitas y de pago para Thought Train. Los principales competidores incluyen Wunderlist, Remember The Milk. Además de estos, los usuarios también realizan comparaciones entre Thought Train y WorkFlowy, Things, OmniFocus. También puedes echar un vistazo a otras opciones similares aquí: Sistemas operativos y utilidades.

Lista de tareas pendientes, recordatorios, diligencias

Remember The Milk
Free Subscription

La aplicación inteligente de tareas para personas ocupadas.

Software de creación de listas con infinitos niveles de sangría, que le brinda la flexibilidad de ...

Free Trial One Time License

Lista de tareas pendientes.

Free Trial Subscription

OmniFocus está diseñado para capturar rápidamente sus pensamientos e ideas para almacenar, administrar y ayudarlo ...

Marvin incorpora principios de la psicología del comportamiento para ayudarlo a vencer la dilación, sentirse en ...

Tu vida es complicada, pero administrarla no tiene por qué serlo.

Focus Matrix es un organizador personal inteligente basado en la llamada caja Eisenhower, un ...

Convierta sus noticias de Facebook (y otras redes sociales) en una lista de tareas pendientes.

Take notes quickly and access them immediately

Thought Train Plataformas

tick-square Mac
tick-square Windows

Thought Train Video y capturas de pantalla

Thought Train Visión general

Join 11,000+ users who take quick notes with Thought Train, a humble menubar app for macOS and Windows

The Carousel
Pack lots of notes into the menubar with a completely unique carousel, scrolling across your menubar.

Use as a simple To-do
Lists help get things done, Thought Train is a great lightweight task manager to check through tasks during the day.

No more tabbing around
Thought Train is a menubar app, easily accessible at all times with a keyboard shortcut, so there's no need to tab away from your work to find your notes.

11,000 Happy Users, and counting
Join thousands of users who believe this is the one app that should be default with every Mac install.

Client-side encryption, cloud syncing
All your notes are 100% encrypted from the client to the cloud. There's no way for us or anyone to know what you're writing.
Your notes are synced to the cloud and available on all your devices immediately.

Markdown editor
The built-in mark down editor lets you keep more in-depth details, like meeting notes, code-snippers or even email signatures and other text you use all the time.

Complement your workflow
Thought Train isn't built to replace your note apps, but compliment them perfectly.

Remember names, numbers, anything
Use the app to take quick notes like phone numbers, meeting notes or key reminders.

Principales alternativas a Thought Train

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Thought Train Categorías

Sistemas operativos y utilidades

Thought Train Etiquetas

menu-bar taskmanager taskbar task-list tasks

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