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Hemos compilado una lista de 11 alternativas gratuitas y de pago para BeagleBoard. Los principales competidores incluyen Raspberry Pi, OLinuXino. Además de estos, los usuarios también realizan comparaciones entre BeagleBoard y Banana Pi, UDOO, Cubieboard. También puedes echar un vistazo a otras opciones similares aquí: Sistemas operativos y utilidades.

Una pequeña PC capaz y de bajo costo que se puede usar para muchas de las cosas que hace su PC de escritorio ...

Free Open Source

Software de código abierto y hardware de código abierto, placa única Linux de bajo costo de grado industrial ...

Banana Pi es una computadora de placa única fabricada en China. Puede ejecutar Android, Ubuntu y Debian.

Free Open Source

UDOO es una computadora de placa única integrada con un microcontrolador compatible con Arduino 2, diseñado ...

Cubieboard es una computadora de placa única, fabricada en Shenzhen, Guangdong, China.

Orange Pi
Free Open Source

Es una computadora de código abierto de placa única. Puede ejecutar Android 4.

Minnow Board
Free Open Source

La placa Minnow es la entrada de Intel en el espacio hacker.

Radxa Rock intensifica el juego de microprocesadores con un quad-core 1.

El Odroid es una serie de computadoras de una placa y tabletas creadas por Hardkernel Co.

The Foundation is a US-based 501(c) non-profit corporation existing to provide...

BeagleBoard Plataformas

tick-square Linux

BeagleBoard Video y capturas de pantalla

BeagleBoard Visión general

The Foundation is a US-based 501(c) non-profit corporation existing to provide education in and promotion of the design and use of open-source software and hardware in embedded computing. provides a forum for the owners and developers of open-source software and hardware to exchange ideas, knowledge and experience. On occasion, provides for the promotion of communication with other individuals interested in open-source software and hardware. is the result of an effort by a collection of passionate individuals, including several employees of Texas Instruments, interested in creating powerful, open, and embedded devices. We invite you to participate and become part of, defining its direction.

Support for boards comes from the very active development community through this website, the mailing list, and the IRC channel. Original production funding was provided by Digi-Key, a major international distributor, but distribution has now been opened up to dozens of distributors across the world. On-going funding for board prototypes has been provided by CircuitCo, manufacturer of the boards. Texas Instruments generously allows Gerald Coley, hardware designer of all of the boards, and Jason Kridner, community manager and software cat herder, to spend time to provide support and development of the project as part of their duties at TI. CircuitCo pays volume prices for the TI (and all other) components. does not currently get any money on board sales.

CircuitCo Printed Circuit Board Solutions out of Richardson, TX is the primary manufacturer of products, but all the designs are fully open source and components are available for anyone to manufacture compatible hardware. We do request contact and permission before considering the use of the name on any products.

Principales alternativas a BeagleBoard

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BeagleBoard Categorías

Sistemas operativos y utilidades

BeagleBoard Etiquetas

single-board-computer operating-system linux-operating-systems

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