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我们整理了一个包含55个免费和付费的Hitsteps Realtime Website Analytics替代方案的列表。主要竞争对手包括:VWO Data360ZoomInfo Chat。除了这些之外,用户还会将Hitsteps Realtime Website Analytics与ZoomInfo SalesOSVWO Insights - Mobile AppVWO Engage (PushCrew)进行比较。此外,您还可以在这里查看其他类似的选项:营销软件营销分析软件

VWO Data360:先进的数据分析和优化平台。从网络分析、客户关系管理及更多方面获取洞察力。 使用 ML/AI 进行自动测试,以改进数字产品,为明智决策提供强大的报告和数据可视化。

ZoomInfo Chat

ZoomInfo Chat 是一个基于人际互动的 B2B 会话营销平台,可加速销售团队的联系。即时提醒会通知团队新访客和老访客,从而提高与潜在客户安排有价值会议的可能性。

这款 B2B 销售潜在客户挖掘软件可识别您的理想客户档案并精确定位准备购买的潜在客户,从而加快销售管道和创收速度。使用 ZoomInfo SalesOS 提升您的销售战略。

VWO Insights - Mobile App
Free Trial Subscription

移动应用程序的 VWO Insights 提供实时网站流量数据、A/B 实验更新和详细分析。您可以在智能手机或平板电脑上监控指标、接收实验通知、分析结果并方便地访问重要报告。通过会话记录和热图深入了解用户行为,从而优化移动应用程序。

VWO Engage 可通过有针对性的通知提高用户参与度。该工具可创建个性化信息,如促销、购物车提醒和订阅请求,由用户在网站上的操作触发。

VWO Insights


Google Analytics 是一项功能强大的网络分析服务,可让您跟踪和分析网站流量。通过 Google Analytics,您可以深入了解用户与网站的互动方式、他们来自哪里、他们最常访问哪些页面等等。它提供的宝贵数据可帮助您优化网站并提高其性能。

VWO Testing
Free Trial Subscription

VWO Testing 是一款先进的网站和应用程序 A/B 和多元测试工具。利用可视化编辑、SSO 身份验证、行为定位和强大的分析功能,对页面元素进行测试、分析转化率并增强用户体验。

Free Trial Subscription


VWO Personalize 通过强大的个性化引擎为高转化率网站提供支持。利用访客数据(如设备、浏览行为和第三方洞察)定制特定的营销活动。通过结合浏览器属性、参与数据和第三方 API 的综合数据湖,大规模打造个性化体验。

Hitsteps Analytics is a real time visitor web statistics, heatmap and live chat app with online...

Hitsteps Realtime Website Analytics 平台

tick-square Web-Based

Hitsteps Realtime Website Analytics 视频和截图

Hitsteps Realtime Website Analytics 概览

您可能有一个很棒的网站,商店或博客。 您的竞争对手也是如此。 Get insight and competitive advantage by using a detailed analytics tool such as Hitsteps.

Hitsteps Analytics is a real time visitor web statistics, heatmap and live chat app with online visitors.

It allows you to view your web stats, visitors stream and follow each visitors to know more about each pages they see. It allow you to engage with your visitors using live chat tool. You'll be provided with detailed charts and information about each visitor such as geo location (estimated city, country and region via IP address), their first visit on your site, referer to your site, their browser, OS and device and much more!

It is optimzied as blog stats, web stats, woocommerce stats and ecommerce analytics. Advantages over Google analytics includes but not limited to Detailed information of each and all visitors, ability to engage with visitors using live chat tool, heatmap for each pages, carefully pre-generated and categorized reports, real-time analytics on all reports, report on visitors from world known companies and much more…

Heatmap: Click heatmap and visual page analysis
Live chat: Chat with visitors feature and live support button
Bot detection: Non human visitors will be excluded from your analytics
Referral spam protection: Spammy referral links from known spammers will be filtered from stats
Realtime visitors list and pages they visited: full detailed history of previous pages they've seen
Audible New Visitor Notification: Hear what's happening
Invisible tracking: No visible web stat tracker icon or text on your website while respecting GDPR law.
Web SEO Analytics: Report on keywords, search engines and your website SEO analytics KPI
Page Speed Meter: PageSpeed identify slow loading pages by testing your page speed using visitors internet.
Uptime Monitoring: receive voice call, SMS or email whenever your website, part of your website or server go down.

Hitsteps Realtime Website Analytics 特点

tick-square Live Chat
tick-square Uptime Monitoring
tick-square Real-time analytics
tick-square Web-Based

最佳Hitsteps Realtime Website Analytics替代方案


Hitsteps Realtime Website Analytics 标签

web-stats website-visitor-tracking visitor-tracker livechat-software visitor-tracking realtime visitor-analytics web-analytics website-monitoring web-development analytics




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